Leave well enough alone with airport
This airport situation has become like a broken record. I will vote to keep Lindbergh Field to remain in the same exact spot. Just leave well enough alone.
Number one, somebody was not using their head by allowing this Corky McMillin to right away begin to use the Naval Training Center (NTC) to build dwellings. This land could have been used to enlarge the runway for our airport. Or it could have encouraged the Marines to move next door where the Navy left and utilize that land for another landing strip.
Not only that, but the situation concerning the houses McMillin was allowed to build has contributed to the wall-to-wall traffic in the Midway, Sports Arena and Rosecrans areas. That’s another problem that has been created and having to second guess what to do to correct this traffic problem.
Now, these people that supposedly use their head have not come to any sensible conclusions. Lindbergh Field is an ideal, perfect location already.
Pauline O’Malley
punto loma
Letter contributes nothing to community
Must your publication resort to the airing of such horrendously disgusting racism as that which was sent in by Loch David Crane, Minuteman? Do you truly believe it contributes anything beneficial to our community? His mindless hate-filled doctrine is nothing less than another insane organization’s attempt to establish a cesspool of Fascist ideology and breed domestic terror and fear within our nation.
Luckily, even with the hugely irresponsible and sensationalistic need to legitimize these bloated and impotent excuses for human beings, the great majority of intelligent Americans see through their awful blathering of rabid vehemence. And just as fortunately, our professionally trained and highly skilled border patrol agents are taught to recognize such dimwitted vigilantes for the real dangers they may create within this volatile jurisdiction and will continue to purposefully dis-enable them whenever and wherever possible.
Stephen Johnson
San Diego
Act now on airport relocation
Wake up, La Jolla and Del Mar ” time is running out.
Or from 6 a.m. to midnight every day you will be hearing the thundering noise of commercial jets departing Miramar every day of the year. There is a well-funded and politically active group determined to have Miramar replace Lindbergh as San Diego’s main airport. While they are focusing on Miramar ” the airport is not the real problem. They seem determined to transfer the almost century-old noise of departing aircraft from Point Loma to La Jolla/Del Mar.
Lindbergh’s air traffic has always departed to the west because that is the direction from which the wind blows, and planes must take off into the wind. We cannot mandate the wind.
A couple of years ago, the Airport Authority reported there were more than 290,000 air operations at Lindbergh; there are probably more now. Half were departures. Breaking that figure down into an 18-hour day, we would get approximately 20 aircraft an hour departing over La Jolla/Del Mar.
The standard FAA flight path from Miramar is called the Seawolf departure. While the runways at Miramar are pointed directly at La Jolla, the flight is altered to make the least annoying route for the towns. Even then the path goes over thousands of homes, apartments, condos, a major shopping center (UTC), four of the area’s municipal hospitals, many medical and health-related companies, the Salk Institute, office buildings and major hotels. In addition, there is UCSD with a projected student population of 59,000, the Jewish Community Center, La Jolla Country Day School, religious institutions and the intersection of interstates 5 and 805.
The most disastrous result, besides the noise, would be plummeting real estate values which, in turn, would lower the values of most homes in the area and, in turn, lower property taxes and revenue to the city. No one would want to live under the constant noise of jet engines ” as Point Loma has had to endure for almost a century.
While there seems to be a major effort to take over Miramar as the San Diego airport, there doesn’t seem to be much effort to counter the move. Do not count on your councilman for help or leadership. His actions, or non-actions, on the potentially devastating threat to both towns have not been apparent. He doesn’t seem to have a clue that a problem even exists. The La Jolla Town Council and the Del Mar City Council should take the lead. In addition, the Real Estate Brokers Association (REBA) should get into protecting the way of life that exists in this area. A decision must be made in the next couple of months ” the time to act is now, before it is too late.
Tim O’Neil
La Jolla