For 17 years the Band at the Beach Band Camp, a non-profit organization, has provided instrumental music students with an opportunity for a band camp experience over the summer. This year, camp will be held Monday through Friday, Aug. 14-18, at the Point Loma Masonic Lodge located at 1711 Sunset Cliffs Blvd., from noon to 4 p.m. The final camp concert is Friday, Aug. 18, at 4 p.m., and is free to the public.
The Band at the Beach, also known as Peninsula Wind Ensemble, was originally intended for children in the Point Loma, Loma Portal and Ocean Beach areas, it has grown beyond the Peninsula area.
“I started this organization because there was little or no music in our neighborhood schools and we all needed to be doing something about it,” Dell Schroeder, director of the organization, said in an e-mail. “Things are looking up around here, but we have a ways to go before we can compete evenly with Poway Unified School District, which has been my model and inspiration, and our own North City schools.”
The camp is available to fifth through 12th-graders, with a minimum of one full year of school experience. The program offers private music lessons during the year, but not during the camp. Lessons are available for flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, baritone, piano, festival coaching, festival accompaniment and audition coaching.
“I have had the opportunity to work with enthusiastic, pro-music people in my history,” Schroeder said. “I’d have gone belly-up a long time ago if it hadn’t been for some of them continuing to encourage the effort, reminding me that, in the long run, it will all be worth it.”
Many of the students involved in the camp are not only involved in their school’s programs, but also participate in other bands, such as being selected to play in honor bands and orchestras. They have also received high ratings at competitive city, district and regional festivals and many participate in the Certificate of Merit Program, which is based on referrals from music teachers who are a part of the Music Teachers’ Association of California.
The camp consists strictly of concert band. There will be rehearsals as a large group as well as rehearsals in sections. The music that the students play come from movies such as Pirates of the Caribbean, The Pink Panther and 007, or from current events.
“Even historical events like the shuttle launch may inspire a choice of score,” said Schroeder. “The final performance will include the pieces that were read by the group which turned out better than the others.”
Participants in the camp are required to pay non-refundable fees of $125. Camp t-shirts are required for the final camp concert and cost $13.
Space is limited, therefore students are encouraged to sign up by Friday, Aug. 11
“I don’t turn anyone away,” Schroeder said. “I just think it’s way more considerate to pre-register due to the space issue, plus time delays eat into our start.”
For more information, visit or call Dell Schroeder at (619) 222-3065 or Brock Wildman at (619) 221-0114. Checks and applications can be made out and returned to Band at the Beach c/o Dell Schroeder 3703 Lotus Drive San Diego, CA 92106-1138.