The University Community Planning Group (UCPG) will hold its annual elections March 10 in an effort to fill six vacant positions on the board, including three resident seats and three business seats. Voting members Petr Krysl, UCPG Chair Linda Colley and secretary Patricia Wilson — representing UC residents — will run for re-election during the March meeting, along with voting members George Lattimer, Harry Walker and Deryl Adderson representing UC businesses. Colley has served on UCPG since 2003, but resident Dayna Hydrick will run against the chair for the group’s R-1 seat. Colley said she has lived in UC the past 41 years, served as Curie Elementary School’s PTA president, graduated from University of California, San Diego with a teaching degree and is a licensed insurance broker. “This is my third term as chair,” Colley said, adding that she’s served on the UCPG board since 2003. “I’ve led many discussions in this room on controversial topics…and I’m concerned with safety issues, fire stations, the FBA — I’m concerned with water, or lack of water, and with open space.” Hydrick said she has lived in UC the past 23 years and was involved with the University City Community Association (UCCA). Hydrick said she joined UCPG seven years ago and will run for Colley’s seat during the group’s March meeting. “Through the garden club I helped people with trees,” Hydrick said, adding that she worked on landscaping for various CalTrans projects. “I’d like to see the purple pipes come [to pass] so residents can use reclaimed water.” UC resident Kurt E. Swanson will run against board member Krysl for his R-3 seat. “I’ve been in the city for eight years, served on the board for three years — why?” Krysl asked. “Because I care about the neighborhood and I think it’s important that the residents have a voice.” Though Swanson will run for Krysl’s residential board seat, he said he is a financial planner, practicing in the area. “UC is a great community,” Swanson said. “I called it Ellis Island, because I never left.” The remaining UCPG board members will run unopposed. “My priorities are to the community and to keep it family friendy,” said UCPG B-1 board member and candidate Adderson, who runs unopposed. Lattimer served on the UCPG board since 1982, and the past few years he has served as chair of the Facilities Benefit Assessment (FBA) group, said UCPG board member Milt Phegley. Lattimer will run unopposed for the group’s B-3 seat. “I’ve been secretary for UCPG, I’m serving on my HOA with La Jolla Colony – one of the first to put in purple pipes,” UCPG secretary Pat Wilson said. “I’ve owned property since 1984.” UCPG B-2 board member and 2009 candidate Harry Walker said he received his undergraduate degree from Rutgers University and his graduate degree from Washington University. Walker runs unopposed. “UC is a wonderful place to live — everyone on the board we’ve been able to come together…” Colley said. “I’ve spoken in front of the planning commission and the city council on behalf.” UCPG meets the second Tuesday each month. The group’s election begins Tuesday, March 10 at 5 p.m. University Town Center’s Forum Hall. For more information, visit