Now that summer is over, neighbors of Kate Sessions Park concerned about “nuisance behavior” at the park are waiting to see if things cool down before taking any action. Friends of Kate Sessions Park held its monthly meeting Sept. 15. “We’re still kind of in this wait-and-see period,” said Michelle Youngers, a spokes-woman for the group of neighbors surrounding the park. “There’s still a discussion about if we don’t see any kind of tapering off of the activity, what will our next step be, but the group really has not come to a consensus on that.” According to San Diego Police spokeswoman Mónica Muñoz, the Labor Day holiday weekend passed pretty much without incident at the park. Muñoz said no arrests were made at the park over the weekend and police only got one call – a noise complaint. In the weeks since the holiday, however, Youngers said things have not settled down. Among the behaviors she has noticed has been groups tapping into city water at the park. “There still is a lot of the same nuisance behavior. We’re still getting a lot of people getting drunk and getting in their cars and leaving the park, which is a serious concern to the surrounding neighbors,” Youngers said. At its July meeting, Friends of Kate Sessions provided a list of “illegal and nuisance” park activities. This list included glass bottles and trash, public intoxication, underage drinking, public urination, dogs off-leash and uncontrolled, illegal parking, drunk drivers leaving the park, failure to obtain permits, golf carts on the hill, smoking, skateboard ramps blocking walkways and verbal threats from park users. Friends of Kate Sessions Park is not currently considering starting the process to put an alcohol ban in place at the park. According to Youngers, however, the possibility of a ban is not off the table. “Over the next few months we’re going to continue to meet and continue to assess the situation,” Youngers said, “and we may put in some interim measures that’ll temper what can and cannot be done.” Residents can get more information about the park or become a part of Friends of Kate Sessions Park by e-mailing [email protected]. Anyone who sees activity at the park that they feel is a problem may call the police dispatcher at (858) 484-3154 or (619) 531-2000. BREAKING THE RULES — WHAT?IT?WILL?COST?YOU Although signs in Kate Sessions Park outline the rules for park use, none of them clearly explain the fines associated with breaking the rules. Below are a few violations and the penalties for doing them: • Dogs off leash: $250 • Glass bottle: $250 • Tapping into city water (for Slip-n-slide): $250 and mandatory court appearance • Public urination: $250 and mandatory court appearance • Driving on turf: $250 • Public intoxication: Overnight stay in jail courtesy of Richard Kiser, Friends of Kate Sessions Park