Carlton Nettleton cares about Mission Beach. As chair of the Mission Beach Precise Panning Group, Nettleton is on the frontline of development decisions made in the community, from the jetty to Belmont Park. Here, Nettleton talks about issues such as airplane noise. What is the role of MBPPB in the community? “The planning board exists to advise the city about development projects in the neighborhood. If there’s a project that’s going to be developed, we’re the first line that gives the city an indication if it is something that the community wants.” What is going on with the increased jet noise over Mission Beach? “A number of people in Mission Beach have noticed that there are airplanes flying over our neighborhood more often. The airport is saying that it is temporary right now because of construction. We’re just trying to make sure it stays temporary.” What is MBPPB doing to stay on top of the jet noise issue? “We created a subcommittee to get some more visibility on that issue and represent the community interest on the Airport Noise Advisory Committee. Right now, we don’t have any voting rights, but we are trying to become a voting member on the committee.” What else is the board working on? “We’re trying to update the planning district ordinance. Mission Beach hasn’t had a community update in 30 years. We’re not asking to have that updated, but we did want to update some of our regulations about what is permissible and what is not permissible. They’re mostly minor things. That is slowly going through City Council right now. Hopefully, in the next year those updates will be voted on by City Council.” Why should community members be a part of MBPPB? “It’s fun and it’s not a big time commitment. We meet 10 times a year for an hour to an hour and a half and you get to meet other people in the community that care about Mission Beach. If you are interested about how decisions are made, about what gets built, in preserving the character of Mission Beach, in beautifying Mission Boulevard or curious about the development of Belmont Park, I would come on the board. This is where decisions are first talked about.” How can locals get involved? “There are two ways. We meet the third Tuesday of every month. Also we are having board elections in March. There’s up to seven seats for members of the Mission Beach community. Anyone can be on our board, but you have to attend a board meeting to be eligible.” MISSION?BEACH?PRECISE?PLANNING?BOARD • Meets the third Tuesday of the month (next meeting Jan. 19), 7 p.m. at Belmont Park Community Room • Membership requirements: 18 years of age and MB resident or business owner