Smokers, we need your help This Saturday’s “PB clean-up,” sponsored by Pacific Beach Town Council (PBTC), welcomed 13 volunteers. I was asked to help clear the streets of cigarette butts near Grand and Mission Boulevard. After 45 minutes, I had a large black garbage bag ½ full — from just one corner of our community. You can imagine how many more corners of our community we could clean up with more volunteers. Even better, if those who smoke would not dispose of your butts on the streets and sidewalks. Please, use an outdoor ashtray or put the butt out – and in your pocket. I have witnessed the “pocket butt” disposal a few times, and want to say “thank you” to those who reconsider where their litter goes. Finally, can we get more folks out to this monthly clean-up? 13 volunteers — that’s shameful. Consider the good you can do to help clean-up our beach, bay and streets (if only one-hour of your time each month). Let’s increase the number of volunteers. Please, get the word out. The PBTC currently sponsors this clean-up the first Saturday of each month. Gloves, bags, etc. are issued from 9 a.m. to noon, just north of the Lifeguard Tower (at the end of Grand). P.S. A special thanks to the folks at the PB Ale House for loaning their broom and dustpan! And …thanks to the PB ShoreClub for the free breakfast given to PB clean-up volunteers. Nanci Dalzell, PBTC member Kind holiday act I want to share with our community (Pacific Beach), an act of kindness. Ten days ago I stopped in to The Green Gardens Nursery on Cass Street asking about Christmas trees. I lost my job earlier this year and was living extremely small, so I was interested in what they do with unsold trees Dec. 26. I met a man, Luke, and told him I am unemployed and I cannot afford a tree this year. Luke said to come in Dec 24 in the morning. Not knowing what kind of deal to expect, along with only $5 in my wallet, Luke simply said, “Pick ANY tree, and it’s yours for free.” Thought I’d pass this along. Jeff Umbaugh, Pacific Beach