Mission Beach Women’s Club was originally organized on Nov. 4 in 1926, when 10 women, mostly Navy wives, gathered together to form a club devoted to the ideals of community service. Today, the women’s club continues its role of community service and has a membership of close to 100 women. Every year, Mission Beach Women’s Club distributes funds to community nonprofit groups in alignment with their mission statement. This year, the women’s club gave $36,000 to 26 nonprofit groups. In addition, the club donated rental venue fees in the amount of $12,100 to local nonprofits, community organizations and schools. This year’s Mission Beach Women’s Club Philanthropy Funding Center for Community Solutions (Project Safehouse) received $1,000, Miracle Babies $500, New Entra Casa $1,000, Community Campership Council Inc (AKA KidsCamp) $500, Musicians for Education Inc. $500, Tap Fever Studio $500, Mission Bay High School Band Boosters $1,000, ElderHelp of San Diego $1,000, Just in Time for Foster Youth $2,500, Special Delivery San Diego $500. Also, Mission Bay High School Alumnae Association (girls lacrosse) $500, beautifulPB (Eco District Initiative) $500, Lionel’s Legacy (senior dog rescue) $500, Mind Treasures $500, LightBridge Hospice Community Foundation $1,000, Leap to Success $1,000, SD City College Foundation (emergency food pantry) $2,000, GenerateHope Inc. $1,000, Mission Bay High School Alumni Association (Maruta Gardner scholarship) $1,000, Phoenix Foods (Kitchens for Good, Project Launch) $1,500, Cecily’s Closet $1,000, Monarch School $1,500, Tariq Khamisa Foundation $500, Outdoor Outreach $1,500, Home Start Inc. (maternity shelter programs) $1,000 and Shelter to Soldier Inc. received $12,000.
Mission Beach Women’s Club raises money through fundraising activities such as auctions, a restaurant walk, donations and other events. They give away $25,000 to $50,000 each year from the income generated by the clubhouse facility that they rent out for private events and parties.
The women’s club welcomes nonprofit organizations to request funding through their website. They can go to mbwc.org with their request and the amount they are seeking.
Mission Beach Women’s Club has a philanthropy committee who visits the nonprofit organizations and interviews them to understand what their organization does. Recommendations are then taken to the board for submission and discussion and then to the general membership for a vote.