While summer kicks into full gear this weekend with the Fourth of July holiday, local scholastic athletes still have an opportunity to partake in sports camps through La Jolla Country Day (LJCD) School. Among the camps still open for several more weeks is the LJCD Athletic Performance Program, under the direction of head track coach Kevin Reaume. The camp is geared for all from novice to champion, one-sport athlete or multi-sport participant. Participants can enhance their skills with joint integrity, stabilization, balance, coordination, agility, functional strength and conditioning. The mechanics of running, jumping and moving in multiple directions will be covered. A middle school session (grades 6-8) helps prepare young athletes for the demands of high school sports. The female athlete’s sessions are tailored to specific female concerns in athletics. The camp for grades 7-12 runs through July 30, with sessions from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., 10:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m., and 1:15 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. For further information contact Reaume, (858) 453-3440 ext. 244 or kreaume@ljcds.org. **** The Brogan Basketball Camp for boys and girls ages 12 to 18 takes place July 6 through 10 under the direction of Jim Brogan. After 12 years of conducting the weekend “Brogan Program” that helped develop a number of top high school athletes, former NBA player Jim Brogan now leads this summer basketball camp. For additional information, including the camp fee, contact Brogan by e-mailing jrbnba@hotmail.com or calling (619) 972-4340. **** The Enrique Soccer Camp will be held July 6 to 10 (9 a.m. to 2 p.m., $120 per session) under the direction of LJCD head middle school coach Enrique Garcia. Several sessions of this camp focus on individual instruction in soccer skills. For more information, including the camp dates and fees, call Garcia, (619) 266-1201. Camp will be held at LJCD School. **** The annual Nike Tennis Day Camp for boys and girls (ages 5-16) under the direction of LJCD head tennis coach Angela Horacek runs through Aug. 15. For a brochure or information, including camp fee, call Horacek, (858) 837-1354, or Nike Tennis Camps at (800) 645-3226, or visit http://www.ussportscamps.com/.