The new Mission Bay Park Committee is reported to be up and runniing next, according to District 2 City Councilmember Kevin Faulconer’s guest column (“Doing what’s right for Mission Bay Park,” Oct. 15 Beacon, page 6). Let’s hope the new committee can influence the city to fix the parking mess in the lot north of the visitor’s information center. This is a major entrance to Mission Bay and the city shamefully uses it to give parking tickets to unwary non-boating visitors. It’s natural for a newcomer to assume the lot was meant for all users of Mission Bay and park in one of the spaces. However, the parking spaces are predominantly for boaters. There are 139 double-length spaces and you can get a $40 ticket if you park in one of these spaces without a boat trailer. There are signs stating the spaces are for cars with boat trailers, but the signs barely meet the legal requirement for giving notice. Moreover, the boaters park near the ramp, so there are never cars with trailers anywhere in sight at the other end of the lot. Given reasonable expectations of a car owner in a public parking lot, and the poor notice, some attorney might even be able to get parking ticket refunds in a class-action lawsuit. There are other ramps, and there have never been anywhere close to 139 boaters using the spaces at this one. Up to 20 is more likely. If resourses were to be allocated reasonably, there would be, say, 39 double-length spaces near the boat ramp. The city could add small dividers on the remaining spaces to make two normal spaces for each of the rest of the spaces. This would add 200 car spaces since there would be two new spaces for each of the remaining 100 double-length spaces. [A part of] Mission Bay Park is in Donna Frye’s council district but all city councilmembers should support a change in the parking allocation at this prime Mission Bay lot since it affects all users who desire to use the great shared resource of Mission Bay.