Please pretend to care about local schools Ruben Barrales, president of the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce, feels the city needs to “rush” to finance a new $1 billion stadium for the Chargers (Guest editorial, Village News, Dec. 3, page 6). On the same page, another letter suggests cutting the annual school year for San Diego schools by 10 days to save $60 million and avoid proposed teacher layoffs and the elimination of librarians, school nurses, music and sports programs. We understand that Chamber members who own land in the East Village stand to profit from a new stadium. However, they could at least pretend to care about local schools which are far more important to the city’s economic future than yet another gold-plated stadium. Kevin Clewley, La Jolla Government can’t run healthcare, or anything So, you think that government-run healthcare is an option? Let’s take a look at government run programs like Social Security and education as current examples. Social Security is set to run out – education is taking a hit like I can’t believe. We actually think they can handle public option healthcare? I’m ready to jump on the school voucher band-wagon. According to the latest Census Bureau statistics, California spends $9,152 per student for public education. Well, give me $8,000 of that for my students and I will choose the private school I want to send my kids to. If the Federal, State and local governments can’t figure out how to pay for education, then let the parents figure it out. I’m just amazed that we, the people, sit back and watch our national debt rise and do nothing. Yes, change needs to be made, but not on the back of our national debt. Change the way we provide programs – let middle America small business audit big government-run programs and watch how much fat can be cut, red tape can be eliminated and unnecessary spending be stopped. I would love a chance at that! Pat Hom, Pacific Beach