Welcome to the Alvarado Community Association news update in College Times Courier. This column will contain updates from our association about the future of our community, but we thought we’d start with a bit about our past by sharing this news article from July 18, 1952 that appeared in the Evening Tribune:
“In 1948, a group of 71 San Diegans envisioned a small community of fine homes on country-like estates within the city. They included college professors, doctors, dentists, businessmen, and other professional people – most of them friends or acquaintances. In 1952, the Alvarado Community Association was formed and the first titles were granted for the Alvarado subdivision, which sprawls over 217 rolling acres just west of the college area.
“They were lured by the prospects of a home site of 2 acres or more, of a private air-strip to park the planes of those who owned them and of community stables to keep horses for those that ride. There had never been another residential development like it in California and was a true co-operative enterprise.
“It is said that several times it was on the brink of failure as many problems faced the association. The property had to be subdivided, part of it was in the county, and part of it was in the city. Water had to be obtained, sewer connections were necessary and the engineering, grading and surfacing of streets were required.
“The original community consisted of 85 home sites, none of which is less than approximately 2 acres and the association retained title to 8 acres, part on the plateau adjacent to the street where the group hoped to erect a community building, and part of it in the canyon where community stables might be built.”
—Susan Clarket Crisafulli is a board member of the Alvarado Community Association.