Hands Across the Sand: San Diego’s Voice Matters, a rally against the latest offshore drilling proposal, will take place 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 3 at Belmont Park in Mission Beach. Oceana, Greenpeace, Sierra Club, and SanDiego350, along with elected officials and members of the community, will voice their response to the Trump Administration’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management proposal to drill off nearly all U.S. coastline; and also protest that there is only one scheduled public hearing on the plan in Sacramento. “They are neglecting the voice of San Diegans in the process,” said Brady Bradshaw, Oceana campaign organizer in Southern California. “The Trump Administrations’s proposal for more offshore oil and gas is neglecting the public process.” Bureau of Ocean Energy Management officials were invited to the event, but are not expected to attend. Local leaders expected to speak at the rally are U.S. Representative Scott Peters (District 52), Chairwoman Kristin Gaspar (County Board of Supervisors). State Assembly Member Rocky Chavez (District 76), City Councilmember Lorie Zapf (District 2).
After the presentations, attendees will join hands on the beach to spell out “No Oil” for a photo that will be sent to the Trump Administration.
“We will rally together and take a picture linking arms on our beach, calling on the Trump Administration to deliver on their promise to consider coastal voices and remove the Pacific Ocean from their radical and dangerous drilling proposal,” Bradshaw said.