MISSION BEACH — City crews should start wrapping up storm water flood pump upgrades to the Santa Clara pump station near the end of May, Storm Water Department representative Bill Harris said. The pump draws storm water from around Mission Beach to prevent excessive flooding. The Santa Clara station repairs, combined with approved pump upgrades near Hornblend Street and Grand Avenue, will cost the city approximately $2 million alone, he said. The projects sit on a laundry list of city-wide storm drain improvements “not exclusive to the beach areas,” he said. “[There is] a lot of additional work that needs to get done as time and budget permits,” Harris said. “We’ll do everything we can to expedite that [Santa Clara] project.” December storms flooded many parts of San Diego including Qualcomm stadium and, of course, Mission Beach. At the June 12 Mission Beach Town Council meeting, Jennifer Nichols Kearns, with the city’s Transportation and Storm Water Department, said repair of several permanent pumps in the area is ongoing with a current completion target date now set for October. See Mission Beach Town Council report below.