On March 10, 2008, I requested to the city of San Diego to please install an all-way stop sign at the corner of Narragansett Avenue and Bacon Street in Ocean Beach. Many accidents and almost-accidents have occurred at this corner. I was informed that the police do not take accident reports if there is no injury. A neighbor and I went door to door to count cars on Narragansett and the alleys that feed into Narragansett Avenue. City buses also turn east on Bacon onto Narragansett. I didn’t even count the cars of people that come to the west end of the street daily to look at the ocean, eat their meals et cetera. On Nov. 5, 2008, the project was unanimously approved by the Ocean Beach Planning Board and the stop signs were put in the latter part of December 2008. I wish to thank Ms. Nawal of the city of San Diego’s Traffic Engineering Department, James Lawson of District 2 Councilman Kevin Faulconer’s office and my neighbors, who helped me tremendously.