I recently took over from the amazing Patrick Hanson as president of the College View Estates Association (CVEA), so I would like to start by thanking him for his many years of service and leadership to our organization. Also leaving the board is Bryan Bear, so much thanks to Bryan for volunteering his time.
I do wish I were writing my first column during less stressful times. Usually, this is the time of the year when students and families in our neighborhood are looking forward to spring break — a time to decompress after a few months of hard work after the New Year. Instead, for kids in our neighborhood, schools are closing early. I know students who attend SDSU have transitioned to online-only classes, and spring break plans for my nephews who were supposed to visit me have been canceled.
The talk of “social distancing” as a way to contain the spread of COVID-19 has me thinking about the importance of neighbors, and of the amazing community that is the neighborhood I live in. Tired of quasi-quarantining myself at home, I stood on one side of my street and chatted with my neighbor across the street. Soon my other neighbor joined, and for a good few minutes, with the appropriate CDC-recommended distance between us (although our dogs clearly ignored this advice), we laughed, joked, and let each other know that we all have enough toilet paper for weeks to come! During moments of heightened uncertainty, I think we can learn to appreciate even more the importance of neighbors and neighborhood.
I am honored to take over as president and joining me on the board of the CVEA are new members Vi Calvo (vice president), Pat McGann, Dan Bannister and Edward Aguado. Of course, we could not do it without our continuing board members Robert Plice, Lisa Vickers, Ann Cottrell, and Jean Hoeger. I am looking forward to working with everyone to continue and build upon the great work that CVEA does.
—Prashant Bharadwaj is president of the College View Estates Association.