Ray at Night Art Walk
Saturday, Feb. 11
Experience local food, live music and art collections at North Park’s monthly art walk. Visit as a guest or apply to become a vendor to showcase your work. Free and open 6 to 10 p.m. in the vicinity of Ray Street and University Avenue. Visit rayatnight.com.
Weekly Organ Concert
Sunday, Feb. 12
Alison Luedecke, a Texas native who travels around the world to perform as a solo concert organist, will be featured from 2 to 3 p.m. at Spreckels Organ Pavilion, Pan American Road. Visit spreckelsorgan.org o bit.ly/2jYKLpe to learn more about Luedecke.
North Park Clean Up
Sunday, Feb. 12
The North Park Community Association and the Rock ‘N’ Roll Marathon have partnered to lead “The Paint Party,” a North Park clean-up event from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.. Volunteers are needed to beautify the North Park Community Park and Recreation Center, 4044 Idaho St. Visit bit.ly/2jYRfUU.
International Dance Festival in Balboa Park
Sunday, Feb. 12
International Dance Association presents International Dance Festival in Balboa Park from noon to 5 p.m. at Balboa Park Club, 2144 Pan American Road West. The dance clubs will teach and demonstrate various global dance styles. The event will feature dance exhibitions as well as food vendors. Free. Visit idasdc.org.
Ayuntamiento de Hillcrest
Tuesday, Feb. 14
Featured topic at this Hillcrest Town Council meeting, which starts at 6:30 p.m. at Joyce Beers Community Center at 3900 Vermont St. in the HUB shopping center, will be “Coming Out.” A panel will share their LGBTQ experiences and talk about how Hillcrest has been a place of diversity and acceptance.
Hillcrest Business Association open house and mixer
Thursday, Feb. 16
Join members of the Hillcrest Business Association from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. for its quarterly open house and mixer, at the California Fruit Wine Company, 1477 University Ave. Members of the city’s Economic Development Department, who will be doing a business walk through Hillcrest that day, will attend along with Councilmember Chris Ward. Call Michael Cox at 619-299-3330 or email him at [email protected].
Wonderful and Wild grand opening
Saturday, Feb. 18
Wonderful and Wild, a natural parenting store at 1007 University Ave. in Hillcrest, will celebrate its grand opening all day with family-oriented activities from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. followed by an adults-only evening reception from 7 to 10 p.m. Giveaways and free classes will be offered. Free. Visit bit.ly/2jYVcsG.
Hemlock Society presents ‘Still Alice’
Sunday, Feb. 19
The Hemlock Society of San Diego Right-to-Die Film Festival presents “Still Alice.”
Julianne Moore portrays a renowned linguistics professor at Columbia University. When words begin to escape her and she starts becoming lost on her daily jogs, she comes face-to-face with a devastating diagnosis: early-onset Alzheimer’s disease. Screens at 1:30 p.m. followed by a Hemlock Chat at Mission Valley Public Library, 2123 Fenton Parkway. Free. Visit hemlocksocietysandiego.org.
Weekly Organ Concert
Sunday, Feb. 19
Jared Jacobson, former San Diego civic organist and current director of music at First Lutheran Church of San Diego, will be featured from 2 to 3 p.m. at Spreckels Organ Pavilion, Pan American Road. Visit spreckelsorgan.org o bit.ly/2jZ4J2M to learn more about Jacobsen.
Mozart’s Sister and Teen Daze at Soda Bar
Wednesday, Feb. 22
Soda Bar presents a concert featuring three musical artists: headliner Mozart’s Sister and opening acts Teen Daze and Vakoum. Mozart’s Sister (Calia Thompson Hannat) is a Montreal songwriter inspired by 1990s dance pop and British Columbia artist Teen Daze (Jamison Isaak) has an indie-pop sound. Tickets $10 online. Visit bit.ly/2jYZRL5.
Cine bajo las estrellas: Films presented at an outdoor viewing space on various nights of the week. Upcoming films:
“Breakfast at Tiffany’s,” 8 p.m. Friday, Feb. 10 and Saturday, Feb. 11; and 7 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 12.
“Arrival,” 8 p.m. Friday, Feb. 17 and Saturday, Feb. 18.
Films start at 8 p.m. $15. 4040 Goldfinch St., Mission Hills. Visit topspresents.com or call 619-295-4221.
North Park Toastmasters meeting: 6:30–8 p.m., weekly meeting at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 3725 30th St., North Park. 619-694-9148. toastmastersclubs.org.
Noche de micrófono abierto: 7:30 pm, el micrófono está abierto para usted en Lestat's Coffee House, 3343 Adams Ave., Normal Heights, gratis. Lestats.com.
Mordeduras en la acera: 5:30–8:30 p.m., gathering of gourmet food trucks at 3030 Grape St., South Park. Curbsidebites.com.
Sabrosos martes de camiones: 6–9 p.m., Smitty’s Service Station hosts several food trucks under their well-lit shade structure, 3442 Adams Ave., Normal Heights. Sdfoodtrucks.com.
Ikebana International meeting: 10 a.m. in Casa Del Prado, Room 101. The San Diego chapter of this Japanese floral arrangement organization meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month. Email Yuko Burkett with questions at [email protected].
Experiencia de miércoles por la noche: 7–8 p.m., uplifting and spiritually inspiring experiences for all, weekly at Universal Spirit Center, 3858 Front St., Hillcrest, love offering requested. Universalspiritcenter.org.
Reuniones del Club Rotario Uptown Sunrise: 7 am, reunión semanal en Panera Bread, 1270 Cleveland Ave., Hillcrest. Sdurotary.org.
Gentle yoga for seniors: 2:30–4 p.m., presented by The Center and Silver Age Yoga Community Outreach (SAYCO) at The San Diego LGBT Center, 3909 Centre St., Hillcrest, free. loscentrosd.org.
North Park Thursday Market: 3–7 p.m., at 3000 North Park Way, between 30th Street and Granada Avenue, North Park, free. Northparkfarmersmarket.com.
Micrófono abierto de Kornflower: Signups at 6:30 p.m., open mic (no poetry or comedy) 7–10 p.m. Family-friendly event at Rebecca’s Coffee House, 3015 Juniper St., South Park, free. Rebeccascoffeehouse.com.
Liberty Toastmasters Club: 7 p.m., at Saint Paul’s Community Care Center, 328 Maple St., Bankers Hill. Libertytoastmasters.org.
Courage to Change – Al-Anon meetings: 7:15–8:15 p.m., a weekly meeting for friends and relatives of alcoholics at Christ United Presbyterian Church (in the chapel), 3025 Fir St., South Park.
2016 San Diego Film Series: 7:30 p.m., every third Thursday view a film representative of Italian cinema at the Museum of Photographic Arts, 1649 El Prado, Balboa Park. Sandiegoitalianfilmfestival.com.
Meditación Musical Kirtan: 8:30 p.m., chant and sing ancient and contemporary mantras celebrating love and life at Pilgrimage of the Heart Yoga, 3301 Adams Ave., Normal Heights. Free – donations welcome. peregrinacionyoga.com.
Memory Café: 10–11 a.m., second and fourth Fridays. Gathering place for those with memory loss, caretakers and those worried about memory problems in the Common Room at First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Diego, 4190 Front St., Hillcrest. At-will donation. Memoryguides.org y Firstuusandiego.org.
Square Dancing Classes: 6:30–8:30 p.m., every Friday. No previous dance experience needed. Recital Hall, 2130 Pan American Plaza. $50 for 13 classes. 858-277-7499 or circulators.sdsda.org.
Mercado de los sábados en el casco antiguo: 9 a.m.–4 p.m., on Harney Street and San Diego Avenue, Old Town, free. Also held on Sundays. Oldtownsaturdaymarket.com.
Mercado de agricultores de Golden Hill: 9:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m., on B Street between 27th and 28th streets, Golden Hill, free. Sdmarketmanager.com.
Alturas de la comedia: 8–10 p.m., local comedians take the stage next to Twiggs Coffeehouse at 4590 Park Blvd., University Heights, free. Comedyheights.com.
Mercado de agricultores de Hillcrest: 9 a.m.–2 p.m., under the Hillcrest Pride Flag, Harvey Milk and Normal streets, free. Hillcrestfarmersmarket.com.
West African dance class: 5:30–7 p.m., Master dancer Djibril Camara from Guinea teaches these classes that are also a great workout for all ages and skill levels at La Vie Dance Studio, 325 W. Washington, Hillcrest. Lavie.dance.
Karaoke: 8 p.m., your chance to shine on the big stage at The Merrow, 1271 University Ave., Hillcrest. Themerrow.com.
To view local community organization meeting information online, visit: bit.ly/2esLpLR.
—Envíe elementos del calendario por correo electrónico a [email protected].