Por Ken Williams | Editor
Wednesday, Sept. 21, will be an ordinary day for most San Diegans. But if you live in Normal Heights, it will be a very special day and one that occurs only once a century.
That’s the day — after it is shorthanded to 9-21-16 — when the date matches the 92116 ZIP code for the Normal Heights community.
It’s is an extremely rare coincidence the postal officials say happens every 100 years and only in certain ZIP codes.
“This event is a ‘once in a lifetime’ event that doesn’t always happen in all ZIP codes, so we are fortunate to be able to recognize this day with the community,” San Diego Postmaster Lisa Baldwin said.
The John Adams Post Office, located at 3288 Adams Ave. in Normal Heights, is planning to celebrate the event.
“I think it is a very fun occasion occurring once in a lifetime and I’m glad to be part of it,” said Erica Hall, station manager for the John Adams Post Office.
“This is my first and probably only time that I will be at a postal facility that will celebrate this unique event,” she continued. “It is a very memorable event and also very cool! I’m excited to share this with Normal Heights residents.”
To mark the occasion, residents and businesses are invited to bring postcards and letters or purchase items from the John Adams Post Office and have them stamped with the commemorative postmark that reads: “SDC-John Adams 92116 Date Meets ZIP Station.” The postmark will be available for 30 days after Sept. 21, 2016.
On that special day, postal officials and community leaders will celebrate with the public with events occurring between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.
“I think it’s pretty awesome that we can celebrate and share this extraordinary day with our customers and community,” Postmaster Baldwin said.
Baldwin added that the special postmark would be a boon for collectors or folks who are into historical moments: “The special cancellation is a great way for enthusiasts and collectors to have a keepsake on this exciting and extraordinary day — Date meets ZIP Station!”
Hall, too, thinks the day will be a hit with the community.
“Residents of Normal Heights and stamp collectors will have a unique opportunity to have a ‘Date meets ZIP Station’ cancellation that coincides with their ZIP code (92116),” Hall said. “This is another of the things that makes Normal Heights the wonderful community that it is.”
—Ken Williams is editor of Uptown News and can be reached at [email protected] or at 619-961-1952. Follow him on Twitter at @KenSanDiego, Instagram at @KenSD or Facebook at KenWilliamsSanDiego.