Our next Town Hall Meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 28 at 6:30 p.m. using the online Zoom program. We will begin with presentations by the police department and elected representatives. Our principal topic will be the San Diego River Park Foundation. The vision of the foundation is to protect and enhance the river’s valuable natural and cultural resources and to encourage communities to embrace this legacy and to celebrate it with the creation of a river-long park system. Ally Welborn, Community Engagement Manager for the San Diego River Park Foundation, will discuss the organization’s trash-tracking and clean-up program as well as provide updates on the new River Discovery Center coming to Mission Valley.
Even in this era of closures and social distancing, Allied Gardens residents are finding creative ways to stay engaged in the community and spread positivity. As you walk our residential streets you will see neighbors who have created chalk art on sidewalks, posted signs of encouragement, and, if you are lucky, you may find a brightly painted rock.
“Allied Gardens Rocks!” was started to spread fun and kindness, and to build a sense of community. The idea is to decorate rocks (paint, chalk, markers) and hide them in various locations throughout the neighborhood with the hopes of brightening someone’s day. If you find a rock, take a picture and post it to the Facebook group, then hide the rock in a new location.
Neighbors of all ages can enjoy rock hunting and contribute their artwork to this fun game. Allied Gardens resident Shannon Hurst Aviles and her family have painted several rocks.
“I wanted to pay homage to famous works of art since museums are temporarily closed, and of course, we have to pay tribute to our favorite Allied Gardens hot spot Fosters Freeze,” she said.
To learn more about how you can participate and the rules for decorating and hiding rocks, join the Facebook group “Allied Gardens Rocks!”
We are about to embark on a new project, the decorative painting of the electrical and communication service boxes throughout our neighborhood. The work done by the Clairemont Town Council and the folks at Foster Elementary show us how beneficial this will be to the community. If you have experience with this kind of project we need your help in sorting out the administrative details, costs, and artistic requirements.
Meetings of the AGGCC Board of Directors are held monthly to design and implement community projects. Every odd numbered month, Town Hall meetings are held for civic representative reports, public comment, and presentations on matters of concern to you.
Are you interested in getting involved? Use the “Contact” page on the website, aggccouncil.org, to let us know how AGGCC can support the community. Your feedback is greatly valued. As is your membership on the Board. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, Sept. 1 at 6:30 p.m.
— Shain Haug is president of he Allied Gardens/Grantville Community Council.