The Navajo Nights event held in July was well attended and attracted many new people interested in learning more about Republican Women of California-Navajo Canyon. Great food and lively conversation were topped off with a presentation by San Diego County Deputy District Attorney Tia Quick. Her presentation focused on current changes in the California Felony Murder Law and child trafficking issues.
We encourage people to attend our regular meetings and participate in the exciting activities we have planned for the upcoming campaign. Volunteering is what we are all about and now is the time to get involved to help elect Republicans. President Trump has achieved so much in his first term and we need to guarantee that he is re-elected so he can complete his agenda. To make his job easier, let’s work to give him a Congress that actually wants to implement change and make America great.
Right now, it is a battle of numbers in Congress and no matter how great his proposals and ideas might be, there are many representatives that will not vote to pass good legislation simply because Trump is the president. What kind of nonsense is this? Not voting for what is best for the county? No one can deny there is a border crisis. Congress should get busy, working together to reform and update our immigration laws. We encourage immigration, just not illegal immigration. Families will never be separated if they cross the border legally. They also will not be separated if they are here illegally and return to their home country as a family. Not that complicated.
The next regular RWCNC meeting will be held Tuesday, Sept. 10, at the Brigantine Restaurant in La Mesa. Our speaker will be Sophia Fang, a volunteer at the Epoch Times. The Epoch Times is a general-purpose newspaper with an emphasis on truthful reporting. As independent media, the ET reports news other media often choose to ignore. The topic of her presentation will be “Appreciating and Preserving Values Through Honest Journalism.”
Check-in begins at 10:15 a.m. and reservations are required at least 24 hours in advance. Cost is $25 and a full-course lunch is served. Cash and checks are accepted but no credit cards. Please make your reservation at [email protected]. You will receive a confirmation of your reservation. Any questions, please text or call Marjie at 619-990-2791. To learn more about our activities visit our website, RWCNavajo-Canyon.org, and visit us on Facebook at Republican Women of California.
Upcoming: Tuesday, Oct. 8, at 11 a.m., is our annual Fall Fashion Show at the Bali Hai on Shelter Island. The theme this year is “Spirit of San Diego” with fashions presented by Glamour Girlz of El Cajon. This is our only fundraiser of the year and the charge is a nominal $40. A true bargain for a delicious buffet lunch, no host cocktails, gorgeous fun fashions, opportunity baskets, gift cards and all enjoyed with a view of San Diego Harbor. It is not too early, so please RSVP at [email protected] or call 619-561-8304 for more information.
This is an exciting time for Republicans. As we celebrate all the accomplishments of the Trump administration, we need to work to assure that President Trump has another four years! Please join us in returning common sense to government.
— Pat Boerner writes on behalf of the Republican Women of California-Navajo Canyon.