Please join Republican Women of California-Navajo Canyon (RWCNC) for “Navajo Nights” on July 25, 6:30-8 p.m. Enjoy hors d’oeuvres and beverages (no host bar) for a nominal cost of $15 at Testo Pepesto, 221 East Main St., El Cajon. Our featured speaker will be Deputy District Attorney Tia Quick who will give an update on some of the most challenging issues currently facing the District Attorney’s office. Please RSVP to [email protected] and you will receive a confirmation. Any questions, please call or text Sally at 619-302-5438.
As we do not have a regular lunch meeting in July or August, this annual summer evening event gives people a chance to socialize in a casual atmosphere and engage in stimulating conversations with like-minded Republicans. We encourage anyone interested in joining our club to take this opportunity to stop by to get acquainted and learn more about Republican Women of California.
We are beginning to get revved up for the 2020 election and it is going to be a wild ride — so why not get involved and help Republicans win at every level? There will be endless opportunities to volunteer and we have activities that will appeal to everyone. We recently staffed the Republican Women of California booth for a day during the San Diego County Fair in Del Mar and were thrilled to register many new Republican voters and disperse lots of valuable information, especially regarding the attempt to overturn Prop 13 protections on the 2020 ballot.
The election in 2020 will have life-changing consequences. Do you want to keep the freedom and liberty for which our forefathers fought or see our country go down the road of historically unsuccessful and dangerous socialism? It sounds dramatic, but it is true. Single-payer healthcare is being openly promoted and we need to understand the reasons this would be very hazardous to our health. Why would we want to follow in the footsteps of so many countries that have tried it and watched it fail? Also being advocated is free health care for those in our country illegally. Shouldn’t we first be certain our budget can provide health care for our legal tax-paying citizens and veterans? This is the time to be proactive and fight to protect your rights and for what you believe.
So many issues to be thinking about. Please joins us on July 25 for Navajo Nights!
— Pat Boerner escribe en nombre de las Mujeres Republicanas de California-Navajo Canyon.