Por Judy McCarty
Rep. Darryl Issa (Ca.-49) will join Navajo Canyon Republican Women’s Federated (NCRWF) members and San Diego County Republican Women Federated (SDCRWF) in presenting an Action Track Chair to a deserving wounded warrior who still craves action. The event will take place at the SDCRWF County Biennial Convention Dec. 12 at The Town and Country Hotel in Mission Valley. Following an invocation by state Sen. Joel Anderson and remarks by Issa, NCRWF member Kat Culkin will join Issa in presenting the chair to Army Staff Sergeant Tommy Rieman, Executive Director of The Independence Fund that works to heal severely wounded veterans. Rieman himself is a recipient of the Medal of Valor and was President George W. Bush’s guest of honor at the State of the Union. Featured speaker for the afternoon session will be Bill Whittle, a popular conservative speaker whose wit, satire and political philosophy can also be found on his website, billwhittle.com and on YouTube. Reservations for the convention, which runs from 8:15 a.m. to 2:20 p.m., can be made to SDCFRW at rosalia1947@att.net. Cost is $35.
After a rip-roaring November meeting with Roger Hedgecock, NCRWF will celebrate the holidays and install their new officers for the coming year on Dec. 8 from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the home of Ginny Wisely. Donations of toys and other necessities will be collected for Military Outreach Ministries (MOM). San Diego MOM serves junior enlisted military families, typically headed by a 19-23 year old, with young children and away from home and trying to survive in our expensive economy on a low salary. We’d love to have you join us. Call Glenda for information and reservations at 619-284-9958 or email ncrwf99@gmail.com. And please bring a toy and a dish to share.
Sally Steele of El Cajon will be installed as the 2016 NCRWF president, succeeding Marjie Siekerka who has been an outstanding president for the past two years, keeping us motivated, informed and energized! Under Marjie’s leadership, NCRWF has grown to become the largest RWF chapter in San Diego County. Waskah Whelan, a past president of NCRWF, has completed two years as president of the SDCRWF and has been key to the success of that organization. NCRWF prides itself on leadership development and creating a positive atmosphere for members. Next year, we will harness our energy towards activities that will further advance Republican values and success at the ballot box!
Para más información sobre todas nuestras actividades, visítenos en navajocanyonrwf.org and also like us on Facebook!
––Judy McCarty is publicity chair of the Navajo Canyon Republican Women Federated. Write to her at jhmccarty@cox.net.