por Sue Hotz
CHAT ROOM: “Don’t I know you from somewhere?” We’ve all had it happen; you’ve met before, but can’t remember each other’s name, the where or when. Memories are shaken loose, hugs exchanged, and a happenstance meeting becomes a marathon catch-up session that ends with laughter and a promise to get together soon.
This happens often as our busy lives intersect at school, soccer practice, scouts, work, church and the San Carlos Branch Library. So, we’ve designated — whenever it is not in use for other activities — the refurbished Winer Family Community Room and Art Gallery as a chat room for use on just such occasions and for other times as well. Open the door, walk in, enjoy the art displays, meet with friends and make new ones, use your cell phone, read stories aloud or play games with your kids, all while enjoying the free coffee, tea, juice boxes and animal crackers (25 cents per cup placed in the Circulation Desk’s donation box would be greatly appreciated). Use of the chat room to relax and enjoy the company of friends and family will enable the main library to remain a quiet/no eating zone. We look forward to chatting with you at the library.
SAN CARLOS BRANCH LIBRARY TEMPORARY CLOSURE: The San Carlos Branch Library will be closed from March 9 through April 2. We plan to reopen on Friday, April 3. Have you noticed the recent changes in the vestibule of the library by the restrooms? Even more changes are coming to make our library more accessible to our disabled community members. The long awaited ADA remodel to our restrooms, drinking fountains, door access, counters and book drops will be taking place from March 9 through April 2. We will still have the March 7 book sale. Programs scheduled during these dates have been canceled. Regularly scheduled programs will resume Friday, April 3, and special programs will be rescheduled as the calendar permits. Go to sancarlosfriendsofthelibrary.org for program updates.

IT’S GAME TIME: You asked for it — we’re offering it — now it’s up to you to come and play! Adults: get together from 3 – 5 p.m. in the Community Room on second and fourth Thursdays to play board and card games. Gather some friends or random library patrons and play Mahjong, Go, chess, Scrabble and checkers (available at the library), or bring your own games. Youth: ages 6 and up, set aside third Thursdays, from 4 – 5:30 p.m., to let your imaginations run wild designing and building Lego masterpieces. We supply the Legos for the Junior Maker Space Club. Other branch libraries have similar clubs and we will be able to trade specialty Lego kits to keep it interesting. What a money saver for the parents of avid Lego fans. We’ll display your best creations. Building contest, anyone?
ADULT PROGRAMS: Feb. 10 – March 5, our lovely Art Coordinator Barbara Stewart will be showing her watercolors and pastels. Her Artist Reception is on Feb. 21 from noon – 2 p.m., a great time to check out our new art gallery in the Community Room.

(Photo by Sue Hotz)
YOUTH PROGRAMS: Tuesdays at 4 p.m., kids yoga; Wednesdays at 2 p.m., School-age Storytime; second and fourth Wednesdays at 3 p.m., K-3 Steam2 Academy; Third Thursdays at 4 p.m., age 6 and up, Lego Club (see above); thank you to Linda Hawley and MTRP for your nature lectures. We hope to see you again this summer. Fridays at 10 a.m., Preschool Storytime & Crafts.
NEW LIBRARY HOURS: Mon, Thu, Fri: 9:30 a.m. – 6 p.m.; Tue & Wed: 11:30 a.m. – 8 p.m.; Sat: 9:30 a.m. – 3p.m. We’ll see you at the used book sale on March 7. Remember, it’s SCFOL renewal time — membership counts!
—Sue Hotz is the publicity board member for San Carlos Friends of the Library.