Republican women are turning out in great numbers to volunteer for our local candidates. We are making phone calls, texting and walking the precincts for numerous wonderful Republican candidates who should deservedly win in November. The positive responses that we receive spurs us on and reinforces our optimism for a victorious election result.
It cannot be overstated how important this election is for our communities and country. We either head down the path of socialism and lack of respect for law and order, or we avoid it by voting for conservatives who respect our freedoms and the Constitution.
There are several propositions on the ballot for us to consider, but let’s focus on just two for the moment. Proposition 15 is deceptively titled on the ballot. It will increase taxes by $12 to 15 billion and will destroy jobs. This measure guts Prop 13, the Howard Jarvis Initiative from 1978, for commercial, retail, industrial and other properties and allows for new taxes on home-based businesses. It would cost jobs and increase prices for the consumer. Tax increases get passed down the line. If this measure passes, you can be assured a companion measure will soon follow to repeal Prop 13 and increase property taxes for homeowners. Your property tax bill will skyrocket!
Another measure that deserves close scrutiny and thought is Proposition 16. The title may sound good: “Allows Diversity as a Factor in Public Employment.” This proposition would reverse a voter approved Constitutional Amendment passed in 1996. It says the state cannot discriminate or grant preferential treatment based on race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin in public employment, education or contracting. If this measure passes race-based preferences such as quotas and affirmative action would be allowed and merit-based criteria would be disregarded. This is a step backwards in the fight against racial injustice and inequality under the law. Preferential treatment is the opposite of what we need.
Vote. It is a privilege and a right so please don’t waste it. Your voice will make a difference.
Navajo Canyon members are hopeful that our Nov. 10 meeting can be held in person, but we can’t make any promises at this time. Please get the updates and the latest information on our website RWCNavajoCanyon.org and on Facebook at Republican Women of California Navajo Canyon.
— Pat Boerner writes on behalf of the Republican Women of California –Navajo Canyon.