A delicious potluck buffet was enjoyed and a huge collection of gifts was gathered for Military Outreach Ministries at the Christmas holiday party at the beautiful home of California Republican Women-Navajo Canyon member Ginny Wisley. Outgoing president Marjie Siekerka was commended and thanked for her outstanding leadership in 2019, resulting in enthusiasm and increased club membership.
We were honored to have Judge Robert Amador and Judge Daniel Lamborn install the 2020 board of directors. Waskah Whelan, who served as the club’s campaign precinct chair during the past year, was sworn in as the new president and is continuing as campaign precinct chair. Other newly elected officers were first vice president of programs, Marjie Siekerka; recording secretary, Gloria Harpenau; second vice president of membership, Wendy Wolfe; treasurer, Bonnee Proo; parliamentarian, Nancy Amador; ways and means, Diane Randolph; technology, Sally Steele; and corresponding secretary, Betty Landen.
The RWCNC club is off to an exciting start with Tony Krvaric, San Diego County Republican Party chairman, speaking at the Tuesday, Feb. 11, meeting at the Brigantine Restaurant in La Mesa.
The meeting will begin at 11 a.m. with check-in beginning at 10:30 a.m. A full-course lunch will be served at noon for a charge of $25. Due to the large number attending our general meeting, reservations are mandatory. Cash and checks are accepted, but no credit cards. Please make your reservation at [email protected]. You will receive an email confirmation of your reservation. Any questions or to request a confirmation, please call Marjie at 619-990-2791.
You won’t want to miss this opportunity to hear Mr. Krvaric’s presentation which is most timely in this presidential election year. The more informed and educated we are as voters, the better job we can do educating others. Accurate, honest information is the key to winning elections and it is our responsibility to combat the “fake news” that we are all exposed to each and every day. Be informed, be proactive and fight to give President Trump another four years and keep America great! We need to elect Republicans at every level – so get involved and do whatever you can to insure Republican victories. There will be an abundance of opportunities to volunteer and help candidates at local, state and national elections in 2020.
This election year will be exciting and will have life-changing consequences. We must fight — and vote — to prevent single-payer health care, which is just another way of saying rationed medical care with the government making the decisions. We are currently enjoying all the benefits of a record-breaking strong economy and we do not want to see it weakened by letting Democrats raise taxes and control the purse strings.
Make your reservation now to attend our February meeting and learn what Tony Krvaric has to say about current Republican topics and the March 3 California primary election. For more information on our activities, please visit our website at RWCNavajoCanyon.org and follow us on Facebook at Republican Women of California Navajo Canyon.
— Pat Boerner writes on behalf of the California Republican Women-Navajo Canyon.