We all aspire to find a partner but love isn’t easy to come by. However, when it does, you’ll want to make it last. But as you may have already realized, marriage proposals are colossal undertakings. And if you don’t get it right the first time, you’ll risk more than creating an awkward moment. To make sure that this long-awaited marriage proposal becomes as memorable as it is successful, we’ve listed down a few essential tips that you must keep in mind before dropping down on a knee and asking your better half to take your hand in marriage.
1. Make sure both of you are in agreement
It may sound obvious, but you’ll be surprised at how many begin plotting their proposals before ensuring that their respective partners also want engagement, only to find out later on that they weren’t of the same mind. So before you begin making any plans, communicate with your significant other and ask whether or not they see themselves getting married. If you’re worried about the conversation coming out as if you’re proposing, try to bring up a friend or an acquaintance’s recent betrothal. It may be a challenging topic, but doing so will give you a better idea of your partner’s reaction when you propose.
2. Talk to your partner’s parents
Talking to the parents of your partner prior to your proposal might appear old-fashioned, but it is essential, especially if your better half has made hints about it. It will show her family that you’re serious enough about the relationship to take it to the next level. More importantly, it will present you with an excellent opportunity to make them a part of the proposal. And, as a result, maximize your chances for success.
3. Buy the right ring
The engagement ring that you will propose with is something that your partner will always have on her. As such, it makes sense to pick the right jewelry. Try to take pictures of the earrings, bracelets, and other pieces of jewelry that she normally wears. Ask her family and friends what she likes. In this way, you’ll surprise her with a ring that is sure to win her heart. If you are looking for the best San Diego, CA jewelers, and to get a better sense of what your significant other loves, check out Willyou.
4. Planning the proposal
Once you’ve obtained the perfect engagement ring, the next step is planning the actual proposal. Think carefully about what kind of gesture your partner will appreciate the most. Will she favor a more intimate moment or a grander gesture? Be sure to select a spot that has sentimental or nostalgic value to her also. It will make a world of difference.
A marriage proposal is much harder than people think. But by following all of these tips, you’re likely to get the answer that you want and successfully initiate the desired engagement without a hitch.