Two bicycle enthusiasts, who run a bicycle company out of Pacific Beach, hope to convert a few more of the San Diegans who would sooner jump in their cars to drive a few blocks than hop on a bicycle. Erik Camp, 26, and Jonathan Sobin, 27, are in the process of launching a bicycle sharing system they call EcoTrip, where pedestrians swipe a card to retrieve a bike locked to a rack of bikes, ride it around — or to a destination — and then return it to one of dozens of bike racks located across the community. If the person never returns the bike or trashes it, the damage is charged to the person’s credit card. The entrepreneurs believe a gap exists in the transportation system within the one to four-mile radius that’s too far for people to walk. Most people just drive. The self-service bike system intends to give people the option to ride a bicycle for a short trip. “We want to bring non-traditional bikers into a group of commuters,” Sobin said. The business partners, who run The Collegiate Bicycle Company from an office on Cass Street, plan to start small with 50 to 80 bicycles. Each rack will accommodate eight to 12 bikes. The company primarily sells bikes to universities and is in process of launching its first bike-sharing program at University of California, Irvine. The automated bike system is popular in Europe. In Paris, the city installed 750 bike racks across the city with 20,000 bicycles to encourage bicycle commuting, a project they called Velib. In Pacific Beach, the entrepreneurs imagine locals jumping on the bikes to take a trip to the grocery store or summer tourists cruising down to the beach. Washington, D.C. also has a bike sharing program, called Smart Bike, that the city and sponsor Clear Channel have poured money into establishing. In San Diego, Sobin and Camp are just hoping to set up the infrastructure without too much expense and red tape from the city. “If we have to pay for permits that cost $1,000 to $1,500, it just doesn’t make sense,” Sobin said, noting the bike racks are temporary structures and easily removable. Sobin and Camp are negotiating with the city’s Department of Development Services (DSD) to get the project rolling. Sobin said the city has never encountered such a request and is unsure how to process the project. The Pacific Beach Town Council gave its support with a unanimous show of hands at the Feb. 19 meeting. The DSD did not return calls seeking comment. The business partners say the bike racks must be convenient and visible in order to attract riders. Sobin and Camp have not pinpointed exact locations but imagine setting up bike racks across parking spaces or at locations near Belmont Park or on a grassy area near the South Mission Beach jetty. “Bike enthusiasts” are supporting the project financially, and Sobin hopes the city and project will receive state and federal grants to boost bicycling in San Diego. “It’s a rising tide for all bikes,” Sobin quipped. As far as bicycle logistics, the bikes will have adjustable seats, puncture-resistant tires and protected parts that delinquents can’t strip. Helmets may or may not be provided. Tire pumps will be located at each stand. Baskets will hang on bikes for convenience. Riders will sit upright as on a beach cruiser with more controllable handlebars. The bikes will be custom-made for the program by a manufacturer within the United States. Sobin and Camp are considering locking down the bikes at some point in the evening to deter drunk riding. The cost of a membership for unlimited rides throughout the year will be cheaper than purchasing a bike, said the entrepreneurs. Non-members will pay to ride. Short trips will be free. The business partners would not disclose their price range, yet. Sobin said the idea is not to undercut local businesses, although there will be some competition. In the long run, Sobin believes the program will make more people bike commuters and boost the sale of bikes that will help local shops. In Paris, subscribers can pay one euro for the day, five euros for seven days or 29 euros for the year. One-time users pay more the longer they use the bike: the first half-an-hour is free; the second half-hour costs one euro; the third half-hour costs three euros, and so on. “[Bike-share] is the solution to a lot of problems, like congestion and pollution,” Camp said.