Be Set Free Fast (BSFF) is the life’s work of Dr. Larry Nims. With this method we quickly and effectively reprogram the unconscious mind. Our unconscious directs our lives to conform to however it has been programmed. It direct the course of our life, leaving us without choice to direct our life any other way. It controls our perception, thought, choices, decisions, feeling and actions. These unconscious beliefs determine our world view. It creates our understanding of who we are, what we are capable of and what we deserve to have. It determines how difficult things are going to be in our life, what we can expect from ourselves and the kinds of limitations we will face in the world.
Using conscious focus and effort, we may feel better and be in control of a situation for a short time. However, our subconscious eventually takes over. As a result, those buried emotions and beliefs repeatedly stimulate new difficulties and no matter what kind of tradition treatment is used no permanent relief can result because relief is blocked on the subconscious level. The cycle can be endless, but finally there is hope.
BSFF is the most effective tool for reprogramming the subconscious and eliminating the destructive programs that determine the outcomes of our lives. It makes use of the characteristics of the subconscious to neutralize the emotion energy in any problem, dismantling the belief system at the root level. After all, we believe what we feel.
Using BSFF I will effectively reprogram you interior saboteur. It is this saboteur that keeps you stuck in place, limiting your progress toward positive growth and personal freedom; often leaving you feeling even worse than ever. Energy therapies call these saboteurs reversals and they stop you dead in your tracks, mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Old programs will no longer automatically rule your life and cause emotional pain. You will eliminate the roots of the beliefs and emotions that lead you to sabotage yourself.
Common Questions:
Can You Help Me With My Family Drama?
I can help you to heal the underlying parts of yourself that contribute to the difficulties. I can also help you to have healthy boundaries of all levels,. That in itself changes the dynamic of relationships. Taking care of your own part in a relationship is in essence all anyone can do.
Can You Help Me With My Building My Business?
I am not a business coach but what I can do is help you to remove the internal blocks that you may have whether you are aware of them or not. Most of life’s real hurdles are internally generated and it can all be going on without your knowledge. For example financial difficulties may be part of your DNA and genetic coding. In the end financial prosperity is really an inside job.
Can you Help Me With My Love life?
Absolutely. Again, without our knowledge we draw to us energetically people who mirror ourselves. That means if we clean up our own internal psyche, what gets drawn into our orbit is greatly enhanced. You will remove blocks to finding love as well as drawing to yourself healthier prospects.
I Was In a Car Accident And I Now Suffer From Severe PTSD. Can You Help With This?
Absolutely yes. Energy work is so successful with PTSD it is frequently used to successfully heal Vietnam Veterans.
Public Speaking?
Can You Help Me With My Terrible Phobia Of Public Speaking?
Yes, this kind of phobia is very responsive to energy work whether it is rooted in trauma from previous experiences or from a predisposition arising as a combination of genetic tendencies or other biological of psychological factors.
Can You Help Me Get Past The Loss Of My Husband? I’ve Tried Talk Therapy But It Just Is Not Helping.
I’ve known this kind of energy clearing to resolve a loss trauma that people have suffered from for years in as little as one or two visits.
Contact ReNae Monette
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