The El Cerrito Community Council is hosting speakers from Our Neighborhood Voices (ONV), a statewide group of community leaders, elected officials, and residents working to qualify a statewide initiative for the 2024 ballot to protect local community planning and zoning in response to recent state laws like SB9 and SB10.
The meeting is slated for Thursday, Jan. 19 (via Zoom) and begins at 7 p.m.
From the ONV website: “A series of recently passed laws allow developers to build multi-story, multi-unit buildings right next door to single-family homes and deny our ability to fight back. We are a coalition of thousands of California neighborhood leaders organizing a 2024 ballot campaign to bring back our ability to speak out about what happens in our own neighborhoods.”
Come and listen to the presentation and ask any questions you may have about the group’s initiatives to restore local control over land use and zoning, issues that directly affect all who live in El Cerrito.
Meeting information – us02web.zoom.us/j/6192863890
You can also dial in using your phone –
Dial 1 669 900 6833 – Meeting ID: 619 286 3890