The city of San Diego Mayor’s Office, on Dec. 13, 2019, posted the draft EIR for the new Complete Communities Housing Solutions and Mobility Choices’ proposed amendments to the municipal code and land use and housing regulations.
This plan does impact our El Cerrito neighborhood, as well as all of the single residential neighborhoods in the city of San Diego, as it replaces single-family housing with four-unit, multi-family on a single-family zoned lot.
The draft Complete Communities: Mobility Choices Regulations and the associated draft environmental impact report (EIR) are available for review online at bit.ly/381lcwR.
Comments on the draft EIR must be received by Jan. 27, 2020 — not a lot of time to review something of this importance, which was released during the holiday season when staff was not available to assist.
Each of us really should try our best to review the draft EIR and get your comments to the city. This document is nearly 500 pages, so the sooner you start the better.
Please take time to review and send your comments on the city of San Diego’s Draft Complete Communities: Mobility Choices Regulations and the associated draft environmental impact report (EIR).