Mission Bay High
– Jazz on the Green will be held at Mission Bay High School noon to 3 p.m. Saturday, April 30 and is open to the public. The event will include food from Tacos El Unico, salsa dancing and activities for children. Families are encouraged to bring their own seating or blankets. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students/children. All ticket sales support the music program at Mission Bay High School. Contact music director Jean-Paul Balmat at [email protected] or find more information at www.missionbaymusic.com.
– Senior football player Diego Weaver was named as the recipient of the Willie Jones Award for 2016 by the American Football Association for his accomplishments as an athlete, student and community member. This inspirational award was given to Weaver on April 8 at the Scottish Rite Temple. – Got Batteries? Batteries don’t belong in the trash! MBHS students Madeline Tandy and Alex Brisk are working with ONE CELL, a battery recycling and collection program for schools. Bring your old alkaline batteries in a sealed bag or container to any PB public school office now through April 22, Earth Day. (If you are dropping off 6-volt and 9-volt alkaline batteries, please put masking tape on the terminals before putting then in your sealed bag or container.) Pacific Beach Middle – Principal’s Coffee will take place 8 a.m. Friday, April 22. Sign in at the front office and meet in the media center. Meet with Principal Meng and find out what’s happening at PBMS.
– Thinking of enrolling at PBMS? Join the school tour 8 a.m. Thursday, May 5. Meet Principal Meng and learn about the great programs at PBMS and then take a tour of the school. PB Elementary – It’s the beginning of a new era as PBE and the community welcome new principal Denise Goulart. – PBE’s annual spring auction is 5 to 9:30 p.m. Friday, April 22 at the Soledad Club. Tickets can be bought at the door or at www.pbe.schoolauction.net/solidgold. Get into that Solid Gold attire and join the PBE community for an incredible night of fundraising and great times. 100 percent of the proceeds directly benefit many PBE programs, including science, music, PE, art and support staff.
– Walk, ride and roll to the PBE Bike Rodeo Friday, April 29. Times are 11 a.m. to noon for K-second graders and 1 to 2 p.m. for third to fifth graders. Students will participate in bike handling drills and simulation of traffic situations to become more confident and safe riders. Students should ride or bring their bike and helmet to school.
– It’s almost time for the annual Cinco de Mayo celebration at PBE. Enjoy homemade food donated by the ELAC community at PBE and students performing traditional dances. The celebration begins at noon Wednesday, May 4. Food tickets are on sale in the office the week before the event and available at the celebration. CPJMA – On April 6, Crown Point Junior Music Academy’s PTO held a breakfast for military families in honor of military child month.
– On Friday, May 6, from 5 to 7 p.m., CPJMA will host a Cinco de Mayo celebration, one of their biggest events of the year. FOPBSS
– A Friends of Pacific Beach Secondary Schools meeting will take place 6 p.m. Wednesday, April 27 at Mission Bay High School Library. St. Paul’s Lutheran
– St. Paul’s Lutheran School and Preschool will be having its annual spring auction and dinner, A Grecian Gala, at the Mt. Soledad Club 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. on May 6. The event will be catered by Cafe Athena and features an abundant amount of silent and live auction items. All proceeds will benefit St. Paul’s. For more information or to purchase a ticket, visit stpaulspb.com.