Brian White | Fitness
When we embark on any challenge, especially weight-loss goals, it is tough to not let past failures and events affect our mindset. Whenever obstacles arise, it is too easy to let doubt creep in, leading you to throw in the towel.
Whatever your past, it’s gone now. Nothing you do today will change anything that’s happened, so focus on what’s happening right now.

I used to identify with my past a lot. I used to let my past dictate my present and future. I’ve experienced failures because I let past doubts and fears creep into my head. I think if we are honest with ourselves, we all have.
But one of the most freeing things you can learn is that the past is not today: it can’t be changed, forgotten or erased. It can only be accepted and used to learn. We have all made mistakes, had struggles or regrets, but the past does not define us. You are not your past, and you have the power to shape your future exactly how you want.
Of course, this line of thinking is handy in body transformation but it really relates to every aspect of our lives.
If you have the right mindset, you believe that when you put forth the effort, time and energy, you can achieve any goal. You value the process of what you are doing, regardless of the outcome. You know failure doesn’t define you.
If you have the right mindset, you realize that if you haven’t failed at something, you have never really tried hard enough or been out of your comfort zone.
One of the things you can do to fix your mindset is to change your internal dialogue when you are experiencing challenges.
Instead of thinking: “This means I’m just not cut out to be a boot camper,” “this means I am better than that co-worker” or “this means I’m selfish,” try to be positive.
Think: “What can I learn from this?” “What can I improve upon?” or “How can I help them do better?”
The biggest thing is to not let setbacks paralyze you. Realize that your old beliefs never disappear; in fact they will resurface at times. Even the most successful people will still experience setbacks, but often all it takes is just a little bit more action to improve the situation.
By changing your internal dialogue – the way you think about challenges – focus on learning and improving. You can change from focusing on past failures to living in the present. You’ll soon transition from a “judge and be judged” way of thinking to a “learn and help learn” mindset.
And during the journey to better health, there is no easier place to let past failures dictate your present. Past diet failures, weight-loss failures or gym failures, we all have them. Forget about them now.
Focus on creating healthy habits today. I have been helping people achieve their health and fitness goals since 1997, and I can honestly say that the people who are successful are the ones whose minds are right. They are focused on the present, never looking back at all.
—Brian White owns BWF, San Diego’s Premier Training Service located in Hillcrest. He runs boot camps in Balboa Park and trains clients in Diverge Gym. Go to youshouldbedoingit.com to read his blog, or take his seven-day video challenge to get back into healthy habits. Contact Brian at [email protected] or on his website.