Sunny Lee | EVA Biz News
Earlier this year, The East Village Association (EVA) launched its new mobility campaign called Do the Ride Thing. To help craft solutions and options for mobility, transit and parking, EVA encouraged residents and businesses of San Diego to participate in a survey.
The survey included questions regarding transit options for those traveling to East Village, what neighborhoods people travel from and travel concerns coming to East Village.
We received 355 responses and here are some interesting findings:
- 80.8 percent of respondents were professionals traveling for work using a car.
- Most people travel from the beach areas (12 percent), East County (8.6 percent), North County (10.3 percent) and nearby neighborhoods like North Park/South Park (10.6 percent) and Normal Heights/City Heights (7.7 percent).
- Many of those surveyed live Downtown (27.5 percent) and still used a car to get around (12.7 percent of those living Downtown).
Those surveyed were mainly concerned about parking, walking, traffic and safety.
Most mentioned that they believed parking in East Village was expensive and difficult to locate. Often they are forced to park far from their destination and have to walk.
The goal of the Do the Ride Thing campaign is to ease parking concerns and promote alternative transportation while getting visitors and locals to their destination.
For more information about the EVA’s Do The Ride Thing campaign or East Village, visit
—Sunny Lee is the program manager of the East Village Association, a nonprofit 501(c)3 corporation that manages the East Village business improvement district. To learn more visit the