When we get over 50, we hope we have the time and the energy to enhance our life balance. The Pacific Beach Earl and Birdie Taylor Library is presenting a series of workshops on this topic, “If Not Now, Then When?: A Journey to My Inner Elder” on Tuesdays, Feb. 9, 16 and 23 between 1:30 and 3 p.m.
Everyone can reveal his or her full potential for life during aging by engaging in exploration of his legacy. Creating “peace of mind” documents can enhance the sense of satisfaction with a live well lived, and participants will have the opportunities for this and additional interaction.
The schedule is as follows: Feb 9: Discuss people and actions that have had an impact;
Feb 16: Discuss living consciously; and
Feb 23: Discuss documents that bring peace of mind.
Registered nurse Barbara Bailey will moderate. The Earl and Birdie Taylor Library is located at 4275 Cass St.