By Dianne Jacob
Ratepayer relief: I’ve said it for years – consumers deserve more energy options. We need to end SDG&E’s stranglehold on the energy market and offer ratepayers the freedom of choice.

That’s why I think our region should take a serious look at what is called “community choice aggregation,” which would allow communities to band together to provide ratepayers with alternatives to SDG&E.
It’s being done right now in other counties and many ratepayers appear to be benefitting.
I know SDG&E and Sempra executives are hell-bent on protecting their monopoly, but providing real competition is great for ratepayers and our local economy.
Meth means death: Nearly a decade ago, I led efforts to create the region’s Meth Strike Force. We’ve made huge progress rooting out local meth manufacturers, thanks to law enforcement, but we must keep up the fight as Mexican drug cartels work to smuggle the substance into San Diego.
We will continue to do all we can to stem the tide of this terrible drug into our communities. Community treasures: I recently teamed up with Supervisor Ron Roberts to plant the seed of an idea – and we’re hoping it takes root.
Thanks to a proposal we brought to the Board of Supervisors, the county is looking at creating incentives to encourage community gardens and city farming. County staff was asked to return with a detailed plan in a few months.
Community gardens are good for our health and good for our neighborhoods!
For more District 2 news, go to diannejacob.com or follow me on Facebook and Twitter. If I can assist with a county issue, please call my office at 619-531-5522 or email [email protected]
Have a great East County day!
––Dianne Jacob is County Supervisor for District 2. Write to her at [email protected].