By Dianne Jacob
Teaming up on trails: I’m working with Poway officials on plans to link the region’s hiking and riding trails and other popular outdoor attractions.

The Board of Supervisors and the Poway City Council recently agreed to work together to seek grants and other funds to buy land that would connect Iron Mountain, Dos Picos Park, Mount Woodson and Lake Poway.
This is a tremendous opportunity to close a crucial gap in our trail system and open up more of our beautiful backcountry to the public.
Thanks to Poway Mayor Steve Vaus, Councilman Jim Cunningham, hiker and businessman Jim Hagey and others for their work on this issue.
Boosting public safety: At a recent gathering at Gillespie Field, I helped unveil the newest tool in the county’s firefighting arsenal — a Bell 407GX helicopter.
Now part of the Sheriff’s ASTREA fleet, the helicopter can carry out water drops and other crucial operations during a wildfire, rescue and other emergencies across our region.
The aircraft is part of our ongoing effort to bolster public safety, especially in our fire-prone backcountry. Since 2003, the county has invested $320 million on fire and emergency preparedness improvements.
Help for families: Have a loved one who suffers from dementia and worried they may wander?
Families can now sign up a relative online for Take Me Home, a Sheriff’s Department program that helps safeguard those with Alzheimer’s disease, along with others who are prone to wandering.
Go to www.sdsheriff.net/tmh to register, and please pass the word.
For more District 2 news, go to www.diannejacob.com or follow me on Facebook and Twitter. If I can assist with a county issue, please call my office at 619-531-5522 or email [email protected].
—Dianne Jacob represents District 2, which includes La Mesa, on the San Diego County Board of Supervisors.