For the last 26 years, Crisis House has served the San Diego community from within a building provided by the City of El Cajon. Now Crisis House is being forced to end its lease with the city and move out by Dec. 31, 2020. In response, the city is providing financial support of $700,000 toward the purchase of a newly identified building.
The David C. Copley Foundation has pledged a challenge grant whereby the Foundation will match “one dollar for every one dollar” raised up to $250,000 toward the purchase and related relocation expenses.
A new space, to ensure access to crucial resources in a confidential setting, plays a critical role in planning for a future of positive impact over the next 50 years. A new building will allow Crisis House to continue to provide urgent and direct emergency, transitional and permanent housing with wrap-around services for 145 families, including 312 children, fleeing domestic violence in its four Journey Programs annually.
Crisis House’s Camp HOPE programming, for the children abused by domestic violence, will provide trauma-informed camperships and year-round mentorships for 125 children and families. Thirty-five families and individuals will end their homelessness through our East County Housing Connections project and the mobile outreach team will offer life-saving services to 570 people experiencing homelessness who cannot yet make the transition to housing.
Throughout the next 3-plus days, Crisis House is seeking donors willing to help meet Copley Foundation’s “dollar for dollar” match up to $250,000 to purchase its new site and preserve the long legacy and meaningful service to families in crisis in our community.
For information, please call Mary Case, Executive Director at 619-609-1747 or visit crisishouse.org/newpropertycampaign.