A ban on the use of plastic bags by grocery stores, pharmacies and other retailers may be one of the hot issues to come before the new San Diego City Council in 2009 following a 2-1 vote by a council committee on Wednesday, Dec. 3. Several dozen people spoke before the Natural Resources & Culture Committee on the topic with only a few opposed to a ban on plastic bags. Councilmembers Donna Frye and Scott Peters voted to send the proposed ban to new City Attorney Jan Goldsmith, who was sworn into office Monday, Dec. 8, for legal analysis before it goes to the City Council within 90 days. District 2 Councilman Kevin Faulconer voted against the motion, saying he wanted Goldsmith to look at the proposal and perhaps send it back to the committee. He said he did not support forwarding it to the City Council even though the motion made no committee recommendation about the proposed ban. “I don’t support this ordinance. It’s appropriate for the new city attorney to have a look at this, to explore options,” Faulconer said. He added he felt “increased recycling is the way to go.” “I think more analysis needs to be done,” he said. “I think it could be harmful to consumers, not good for business. We need more focus on recycling.” A representative from Mayor Jerry Sanders’ office told the committee the mayor opposes a ban because cities which have passed a ban on plastic bags have been sued. The mayor also opposes the ban because small businesses would be adversely affected. A proposed ordinance was already prepared for the committee by outgoing City Attorney Mike Aguirre, but it will go back to the city attorney’s office as part of the motion. The use of paper bags and reusable cloth bags that consumers would bring into the store were suggested as alternatives to plastic, which do not biodegrade easily. Several people from San Diego Coastkeeper told the council of the harm that plastic bags pose to sea life, birds, and animals. “I’ve pulled plastic bags out of the water when I’m surfing,” said Bill Hickman, of Ocean Beach, who added that most of the bags don’t float but sink to the bottom. “They’re all over the place,” said Jim Pugh, from the San Diego Audubon Society. He said plastic bags smother plants at the bottom of creeks and streams. “Please move ahead with a ban and keep them out of our wetlands,” he added. Scott Harrison, the chairman of the Surfrider Foundation, told the panel the ban is like “a train leaving the station — it’s time to get on board.” Among the few opposed to the ban were representatives from the California Grocers Association and the American Chemistry Council. Jennifer Forkish, who represents the American Chemistry Council, said the use of paper bags are “three to five times more expensive, which means higher operating costs for stores and higher prices for their customers.” Frye held up a dingy white cloth bag she said she uses for shopping and added, “It needs a bath.” She urged residents to ask for paper instead of plastic when at the checkout line.