City Council voted unanimously Tuesday to approve an ordinance designed to boost safety at skate parks like the one at Robb Field in Ocean Beach. The ordinance both adds rules and revises existing ones. “These new rules will help make our skate parks safer and calmer,” said District 2 City Councilmember Kevin Faulconer. “It closes loopholes and allows the police department to enforce laws more effectively, ultimately providing a higher quality of service for families using the park.” At the beginning of this year, all Park and Recreation Department skate park supervisors were removed from their supervisory capacities to ease the city’s budget crunch. Under the provisions of the new ordinance, children 11 years of age and under must now be accompanied by a “responsible adult,” that is, a person 18 years or older authorized to take care of a minor by their parent or legal guardian. The previous supervision cutoff was age 14. The revamped ordinance prohibits certain devices and equipment from being used in the skate parks. Bicycles, scooters and motorized vehicles are no longer allowed and skaters are prohibited from bringing their own ramps into the parks. Two changes will also be made regarding violation of these new rules. Signage will be added to the parks to provide notice that any person who violates the rules is subject to a citation and those citations can run as much as $500.