The ordinance that would regulate parking of oversized vehicles was delayed indefinitely Tuesday after members of the San Diego City Council said the $2 million enforcement costs were too high and they wanted to go over the figures again. Council President Scott Peters and Councilman Jim Madaffer both expressed disappointment that they will not get to vote on it before their terms expire in December. The proposed ordinance was returned to the mayor’s office with no vote and without an estimated date on when it would be heard. Peters said he worked on this ordinance for five years. Madaffer called it “a travesty” and said he would have voted against the ordinance if it was heard Tuesday because of the high cost. Councilman Kevin Faulconer said the ordinance needs more work and it needs to be cost-effective. He questioned whether the $2 million estimate was accurate. Councilman Tony Young said he would not call the delay a travesty but it was an issue that had great impact on people. Peters, Madaffer, Brian Maienschein and Toni Atkins are leaving the council due to term limits, and whoever succeeds them in a new City Council will decide the issue. A number of people showed up for the hearing, as they did on Sept. 15 and Jan. 29. The delay was announced about 30 minutes into the meeting so people did not have to wait a long time before learning it would not be heard. As written so far, the ordinance would have barred parking of oversized, non-motorized and recreational vehicles on public streets between 10 p.m. an 6 a.m. or within 50 feet of any intersection. A significant cost is enforcement, as parking officers do not work after 7 p.m. and not on Sundays. The proposed ordinance also allowed for vehicle owners to get 24 permits per year per address, but the cost of those permits will be determined by the City Council. The permits would last for 72 hours. Exceptions to the ordinance included buses, vehicles making deliveries or pickups, government or public utility vehicles and vehicles displaying placards or license plates issued to disabled persons.