Construction for the Collier Park renovation project at 4401 Palm Avenue in La Mesa, began earlier this month. Pasadena Avenue between Palm Avenue and 4th Street will be closed during the project.
The renovation, which will take approximately one-year to construct, will include new restrooms, tennis/pickle ball courts, a playground, fitness equipment, a nature trail, picnic pavilion, landscaping, improved ADA access, and parking. A replica of a historic drinking fountain will also be installed in its original location next to the La Mesa Depot Railroad Museum on Spring Street as part of the project.
At a cost of approximately $4.5 million, the project is being completed with funding that has been allocated from park development fees, Federal Community Development Block Grants (CDBG), La Mesa Park and Recreation Foundation donations (for the new playground), CA Department of Parks and Recreation Local Assistance Specified Grant funds, and CA Proposition 68 Land and Water Bond funds.
For images of the improvements and updates on construction status, visit the project website.