As many of you may have seen in the College Times Courier, in the Union-Tribune, or on Fox 5 News, the College Area Community Council board on Nov. 13 approved the draft Community Plan Update (CPU) Report put together by the board’s steering committee. The report was compiled from four years of community visioning sessions plus concepts from planning classes at SDSU and the New School of Architecture and Design. The report was posted on the CACC website and bound copies were placed at the College-Rolando library for further public review and comment. Members of an advisory board selected to provide technical expertise and stakeholder representation were also asked to provide written comments.
The steering committee reviewed the public comments and the two submitted advisory board comments in late January, and concluded that most comments were either supportive or added details that be more properly analyzed when the City Planning Department begins the formal community plan update. Therefore, those comments were added as an appendix to the report, as demonstrating further community participation and support for the visions outlined in the report. With those changes, the revised report was reviewed by the CACC board at its Feb. 12 meeting. Rather than approving the report as submitted, the board directed that the remaining advisory board members’ comments be obtained, and that those and the public comments be responded to in the report. The board also directed that the report, with these additions, be presented at a formal public presentation, a date for which is yet to be determined but will be announced on the CACC website (collegearea.org) when it is scheduled.
As of this writing, remaining written comments from advisory board members will be requested, and all comments considered in a revised report draft. When that is completed, the report will be submitted to the board, providing a further opportunity for the community to hear and comment on the visions for our community as presented in the report. Once approved with any changes required by the board, the report will be formally presented to the city. The Planning Department has confirmed that it will use the report as a framework when preparing its work-plan for our Community Plan Update.
Board elections
On another note, at the March meeting we will hold our annual board elections. There are six positions with terms ending in 2023 and one with a term ending in 2022 to be filled. We encourage all eligible members to run for the board. To qualify you must have attended two full meetings prior to February of 2020 and be a resident, property-owner, business-owner (or representative), including non-profits within the College Area and be 18 years of age. We also plan to have a presentation by the Climate Action Campaign regarding the pending renewal of SDG&E’s franchise agreement with the city of San Diego. The current agreement had a 50-year term and that appears to be a key issue for consideration. We also hope to have representatives from SDG&E make a short presentation. Please join us on March 11 at Faith Presbyterian Church and cast your votes for the people that will work to move our community forward and get some useful information on how our energy future will be shaped.
—Jose Reynoso is chair of the College Area Community Council.