Greetings neighbors! The pandemic appears to be subsiding and of course we are advised to continue following all scientific guidelines about how to gather in the coming summer months. The last thing we want to do is become Sisyphus, shoving a giant boulder to the top of the mountain only to have it roll back downhill, crushing us in the process. San Carlos Area Council president Mark Schulze and I have recently enjoyed several occasions hanging out with mutually fully-vaccinated friends and family. What a difference a year and a half makes.
Hopefully you have used your quarantine time in constructive ways. Perhaps you have resolved to become more involved in your own community. Well, step right up, because San Carlos has many opportunities for you. The San Carlos Garden and San Carlos Library are two. And let this be a reminder that the San Carlos Area Council is your town council.
President Schulze and I recently had an inspiring conversation with Treasurer Mickey Zeichick, who has served on the SCAC board for many years. She spoke about the evolution of the SCAC, and how it was created to serve the San Carlos community with information, education, and as a forum for neighbors to gather, share ideas, express concerns, and yes, demand answers from our elected officials.
President Schulze and I would like to send a shout-out to our mothers who imbued each of us with the spirit of volunteerism and community activism. As a teenager, in the summers, I commuted by bus into the city of Detroit to be a candy striper at Henry Ford Hospital. As a teen, Shulze served as president of his high school class. We know that many of you have jobs and family to juggle, but think about devoting an hour of your time to become involved in your community.
At last month’s meeting, we hosted a very charming and witty guest, weather caster Dagmar Midcap, who I think of as heir apparent to Joan Embry, animal ambassador extraordinaire. Dagmar talked about her recent projects that revolve around the protection of endangered species, and also how we must all practice sustainability in order to preserve life as we know it on our planet Earth. Thank you, Dagmar, we appreciate all you do!
We have some news about the new San Carlos Library. The process is churning along, albeit slowly. Ground water testing and mitigation has finally been concluded. In approximately nine months or so, the land can be purchased for its long-ago agreed-upon amount. And then, funds need to be raised so construction can begin. So after patiently awaiting our new San Carlos Library for decades, there is indeed some light at the end of the tunnel.
Please join us for our next SCAC Zoom meeting on Wednesday, May 19, 6:30–8 p.m. Go to our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/SanCarlosAreaCouncil to access the Zoom link which we will post before the event.
If you have a San Carlos story to share, or would like to get involved in your town council, please contact San Carlos Area Council vice president Patricia Mooney at patty@crystalpyramid.com.
— Patricia Mooney is vice president of the San Carlos Area Council. Feel free to email her at patty@crystalpyramid.com.