COMMUNITY/CIVIC Today, Aug. 20, 6:30 to 8 p.m., The Jenna Druck Foundation’s Families Helping Families hosts a free grief education workshop focusing on grief, trauma and loss, and how acupuncture can help ease the pain of losing a loved one. The event takes place at 2820 Roosevelt Road, Suite 200 at Liberty Station. For more information, e-mail [email protected]., or visit Saturday, Aug. 22, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Real Issues, Real Answers hosts an all–day workshop on “The Major 4 D’s: Debt, Divorce, Death and Depression and How They Affect the Lives of Women.” The forum is hosted by popular radio show hosts, authors and speakers Tonilee Adamson and Bobbye Brooks, along with former local television anchor Carol LeBeau. The event takes place at the NTC Promenade at the McMillin Event Center at Liberty Station, 2875 Dewey Road. The cost is $20, which includes workbook and continental breakfast/Starbucks coffee. For more information, call (888) 727-7206, or visit Monday, Aug. 31, 6 to 8 p.m., the Ocean Beach Branch Library Book Club discusses “The Story of Edgar Sawtelle” by David Wroblewski. The library is located at 4801 Santa Monica Ave. For more information, call (619) 531-1532. Beginning Tuesday, Sept. 8, free sewing classes offered for all skill levels. Classes are held at the West City Center, 3249 Fordam St. For more information, call (619) 588-2244, e-mail [email protected] or check the blog HEALTH Wednesday, Aug. 26, 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., West Marine hosts the San Diego Blood Bank bloodmobile in the parking lot of 1250 Rosecrans St. For more information, call (800) 479-3902, ext. 0. Monday, Aug. 31, 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Point Loma Nazarene University hosts the San Diego Blood Bank bloodmobile in the parking lot of the gym, 3900 Lomaland Drive. For more information, call (800) 479-3902, ext. 0. Wednesday, Sept. 1, 1:30 to 10 p.m., Rite Aid hosts the San Diego Blood Bank bloodmobile in the parking lot, 4840 Niagara St. For more information, call (800) 479-3902, ext. 0. SCHOOLS ST. CHARLES BORROMEO • Wednesday, Aug. 26, first day of school. • Monday, Sept. 7, no school. • Friday, Sept. 11, second annual golf tournament at Sail Ho Golf Course. For more information, call (619) 218-3042. WARREN-WALKER • Through Aug. 21, Marine & Freshwater Biology Camp. • Through Aug. 21, summer camp for pre-kindergarten through 8th grade. SENIORS Today, Aug. 20, 9:30 to 11 a.m., Sharp Senior Resource Center hosts a free session on how to get income from your home. A free consultation will be available. The program takes place at the Hervey/Point Loma Branch Library, 3701 Voltaire St. Registration is required by calling (800) 827-4277. For more information, visit Wednesday, Aug. 26, 9:30 to 11 a.m., Sharp Senior Resource Center hosts a free session on how to get income from your home. A free consultation will be available. The program takes place at the Sharp Spectrum board room, 8695 Spectrum Center Blvd. Registration is required by calling (800) 827-4277. For more information, visit Tuesday, Sept. 1, 10 a.m. to noon, Sharp Senior Resource Center hosts a free session on “Early Memory Loss: Tools for Successful Living” by the community education manager of the Alzheimer’s Association. The program takes place at the Sharp Memorial Outpatient Pavillion, classroom B, 3075 Health Center Drive. Registration is required by calling (800) 827-4277. For more information, visit ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Through August, San Diego Watercolor Society presents “Vacation Travels” exhibition with original artwork by local artists. The free exhibition takes place at the society, 2825 Dewey Road in the NTC Promenade of Liberty Station. Gallery hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Sundays. For more information, call (619) 876-4550, or visit VENUES Humphrey’s Backstage Lounge, 2241 Shelter Island Drive, (619) 224-3577 • Monday, Aug. 24, 7 to 11 p.m., Robin Henkel Band with horns performs. Tickets are $5. Humphrey’s Concerts by the Bay, 2241 Shelter Island Drive, (619) 224-3577 • Friday, Aug. 21, 8 p.m., Tower of Power performs. Tickets are $45. • Tuesday, Aug. 23, 7:30 p.m., Chris Isaak performs. Tickets are $85. • Friday, Aug. 28, 7 p.m., Dave Koz & Brian Culbertson side by side tour with Peabo Bryson. Tickets are $68. • Sunday, Aug. 30, 7:30 p.m., Susan Tedeschi performs. Tickets are $42. • Friday, Sept. 4, 6:30 p.m., Bob Weir and RatDog perform with special guest Jackie Greene. Tickets are $60. • Thursday, Sept. 10, 8 p.m., Sinbad performs. Tickets are $37.