The College Area will be one location for a protest on Saturday, May 6, as some residents around San Diego County push back on the City. Other areas involved will include University City, Clairemont and Uptown.
This protest is to let City officials know there is concern and unhappiness for their plans proposing excessive density in various single-family neighborhoods.
The College Area protest, organized by College Area Neighbors for Responsible Growth, is going to be from 1 to 3 p.m. on the corners of El Cajon Boulevard and College Avenue.
Those planning on attending are asked to bring their posters, neighbors, and snacks.
Organizers want to let the City Council and the Mayor know that:
They don’t like their plans for the neighborhoods.
Dense housing belongs on the transit corridors and not among single-family homes.
Residents demand responsible growth with infrastructure like parks, a recreation center, and more police protection.
This Saturday, April 22 from 3-5 p.m., there will be a poster-making party at the College-Rolando Library in the homework room. Residents are asked to show up to make their posters for the May 6 protest.
More information is available at: bit.ly/may6protest.