Henry Cluster STEMM Foundation events
The Henry Cluster STEMM Foundation will be hosting the fifth Mini Golf Challenge on Saturday, April 18, from 10 a.m.–1 p.m., at the Mission Trails Church located at 4880 Zion Ave. Student K-12 teams of four to six students are welcome from local schools or organizations to compete. The reigning champions are from Hearst Elementary and they will be attempting to repeat as champions and take home the new trophy.
Once again, the HC STEMM Foundation is partnering with the San Carlos Library and the Friends of the San Carlos Library for the annual Robotics Showcase Extravaganza on Saturday, Feb. 22, from 11 a.m to 1 p.m., at the San Carlos Library. There will be robotics displays and demonstrations from a number of elementary, middle and high schools from our community including a booth from San Diego State University. For more information, go to the sancarlosfriendsofthelibrary.org.
Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten Information Night
On Wednesday, March 18 from 5–6 p.m., St. Katharine Drexel Academy will be holding a Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten Information Night in the Kindergarten classroom. Come learn about the program, meet the teacher and principal and receive an application for the 2020-2021 school year.
At St. Kathrine Drexel Academy, 4551 56th St. Visit skda-sd.org or call 619-582-3862 for more information.
Henry Engineering Team wants incoming freshmen
Patrick Henry’s Engineering Academy is accepting applications. Are you interested in a fun project-based elective course series that will teach you skills used by real engineers?
Patrick Henry has the largest engineering program in a public high school in the state of California. With four dedicated teachers, we offer nine total courses in three pathways — Engineering Design, Engineering & Architecture and Computer Science. Most of our courses are articulated for honors credit and our students have the opportunity to participate in field trips, clubs (including Society of Women Engineers and FIRST Robotics), community college credit for select classes, special internship and scholarship opportunities, and networking with industry professionals.
We accept all applicants on a first-come, first-served basis until classes are full. No prior experience in engineering is needed. For more information or to apply, please visit patrickhenryeda.org or contact Mrs. Moy at [email protected].