The City’s Parks and Recreation Board unanimously endorsed a proposal by Fiesta Island Dog Owners to re-create a pet memorial in the off-leash section of the man-made island.
The impromptu pet memorial had been their about 10 years and was removed a year ago after someone complained of a canine being buried close by. The City subsequently removed the remaining memorial-painted rocks, eventually storing them at the park ranger’s office for retrieval.
FIDO folks were wagging their tails after the park board’s April 20 decision. “We’re very excited to be able to begin moving forward on the rock memorial replacement,” said Jean Spengel, FIDO secretary. “A lot of people were sad to see the old memorial removed, so this will once again give them a place to honor their deceased pets. It will give people a quiet place to remember their lost four-legged friends.”
Previously, Spengel had said that Fiesta Island is “the only place where you can really exercise and walk in nature with your dog.” She added, “We were able to convince the City and the California Coastal Commission that dog walking was really a valid recreational use for people.”
Over the past decade, people using the off-leash area of Fiesta Island to walk their pets had been organically placing painted rocks there to honor dogs lost. The memorial was in a six-foot-diameter spot next to a path in the middle of more than 90 acres.
Spengel noted there is no consultant for the pet memorial re-creation project.
“Everything was done by FIDO board members,” she said. “The plan we submitted to the Park Design Division was slightly modified by that department, but our submitted plan got the ball rolling.”
Concerning the timeline for Fiesta pet memorial construction, Spengel said: “It will take at least two to three months to get the right of entry permit, which allows us to enter the area and do the work. There is also other paperwork and administrative fees to pay before we can begin. We would like to have the project completed by early fall.
“We are all set to proceed so it all depends on how fast the City can get us through the paperwork,” continued Spengel. “As FIDO board members and volunteers are going to do the work, we must also go through a ‘Volunteer Program’ that allows us to work on projects within the park.”
Of FIDO’s long-term aspirations on Fiesta, Spengel noted they are “to continue to help perform and fund maintenance and improvement projects within the fenced off-leash area. We have other projects that we’re currently working on and hope to move forward with those as well.”
Purpose: To re-create a new rock memorial in the off-leash area on Fiesta Island where the public can place painted memorial rocks honoring their deceased pets, replacing a previous memorial honoring lost pets.
Description: It will be a 6-foot by 6-foot area outlined by decorative cement blocks resting on a crushed rock and block footing. This plan, designed by Charles Daniels from Park Design Review, will be a 4-inch by 4-inch post in the center engraved with “Our Beloved Pets.”
Materials: There will be an 8-inch deep trench with 4 inches of crushed 3/4 inch rock at the bottom. On top of the rocks, there will be one row of 4-inch tall concrete decorative blocks bringing it even with the soil surface. Another row of decorative blocks will be added on top of this to make the enclosure.
Cost: All materials will be purchased, paid for, and delivered to the area by Fiesta Island Dog Owners (FIDO), a nonprofit organization with more than 16,000 members. Labor will be performed by FIDO volunteers. There will be a 4-foot tall temporary barrier fence around the site during construction.
Liability: FIDO carries a $2 million Commercial General Liability insurance policy and will provide an endorsement naming the City of San Diego as an Additional Insured.
Location: It will be at the intersection of two paths in the center of the off-leash area so mowing will only be required along two sides.