Burgundy pours fun for Triangle chamber During April’s Business After Five Mixer of the Golden Triangle Chamber of Commerce, attendees were able to socialize and enjoy the cool weather on the outdoor patio of Burgundy Grill and Wine Bar in downtown La Jolla. Burgundy opened its doors to the GTCC’s April BAF and offered delectable appetizers, an exclusive wine list and specials to the chamber event attendees. The agenda of the event included members and non-members of the chamber introducing themselves and their businesses, announcement of raffle prizewinners, and business enthusiasts coming together to strengthen their business networking ties within the La Jolla region business community. The Golden Triangle Chamber hosts its BAF the second Wednesday of every month at various restaurants in the La Jolla area. The BAF objective is to bring business owners and execs together to introduce new and old businesses and restaurants from our community to build a strong connection within our area. GTCC will have its next Business After Five Mixer on Wednesday, May 13, hosted by Prospect Bar and Lounge, 1025 Prospect St., Suite 210. For more information on future BAFs, join our newsletter mailing list on the chamber’s homepage, www.goldentrianglecham ber.com. Prospect Bar and Lounge is downtown La Jolla’s only upscale sports lounge, offering an incredible view of world famous La Jolla Cove. Multiple flat screens that can be changed to any sports event or TV show upon request surround the venue. The menu is California Coastal, with selections of seafood, wraps, burgers and salads that can be eaten outside around the fire pit on the lamp-heated patio or inside where the lounge hosts nightly entertainment. At Prospect, GTCC will honor new chamber members and present them with their membership certificates. After the new member announcement, attendees will introduce themselves to the group, followed by a brief ceremony including chamber goals and objectives for the remainder of 2009 and an announcement of future networking events. Also, in anticipation of a new name for the Golden Triangle Chamber of Commerce, the chamber is in the process of creating a contest to encourage GTCC members and affiliates to express their feelings on a name change. The chamber is confident that a new name will clarify the regions this chamber covers and result in a stronger and more defined chamber. All GTCC news and events are listed on the chamber website, www.goldentrian glechamber.com. If you would like to become more involved in the chamber or need membership information, please contact George Schmall, the GTCC chairman of the board, (858) 350-1253.