Centifonti’s Bar & Restaurant at 8365 La Mesa Boulevard is well-known for its great food and eclectic menu. But, ooh, the gelato. Here’s a tip…. come for a meal, stay for dessert. Or just pop over for a creamy gelato, a caramel apple, or a piece of the pie of the week.
Owner Carol Tolosko comes from a long line of restauranteurs and confectioners.
She explained, “My great grandfather, Cosmo Centifonti came from Abruzzo, Italy with his wife Carmela in the late 1800s; they came from a village called Centifonti. He landed in New Jersey where he started a delicatessen named ‘One Stop Shop’. He started making ice cream and candy.”
Tolosko and her mother have continued the family tradition.
“My mother just fully retired a few years ago at age 90. She was the head candy maker for years.” Today Carol and her daughter are fourth and fifth-generation chocolatiers. She and her staff take their gelato seriously. One of the reasons the gelato tastes so good is that it is fresh. “If you put it in the freezer too long, ice crystals can form and gelato is no longer good.
“We usually make our gelato a couple of times a week depending on the season and the fresh ingredients/inspiration that are in the market. We need to make sure the gelato case is full with fresh flavors for Thursday’s Hot Rod Night and Friday’s Farmer’s Market,” Tolosko added.
Tolosko rolls out her dough and makes fresh pies weekly. Whatever fruit is in season, you will find it made into a pie and on her bakery shelf. Even the caramel for their caramel apples is an in-house production, ensuring the healthiest ingredients.
Using only high quality, local ingredients, organic whenever possible, Tolosko has a variety of local farms and farmers that she purchases from, allowing her to know what ingredients she’s putting into her food. “We like to support the Girl Scouts by offering Thin Mint gelato when the cookies are in season.” Currently, the peach gelato is spectacular. In the fall, look for pumpkin and other fall fruit flavors.
For the vegan and gluten-free crowd, you will be happy to know that the restaurant has many options for you including some gluten-free pasta dishes.
Doesn’t some peach gelato sound good right now?
For more information on Centifonti’s Bar & Restaurant, call (619) 461-4434.
– Robin Dohrn-Simpson is a local food and travel writer. Reach her at robindohrnsimpson.com.