Star party at Mt. Helix
Saturday, May 23
Families are invited to join the San Diego Astronomy Association and the Mt. Helix Park Foundation for a free night of stargazing through amateur and professional telescopes. Live music begins at 7:30 p.m. and viewing begins at 8:15 p.m. Parking will be available only at the San Miguel Fire Station, at the corner of Mt. Helix Drive and Vivera Drive; shuttles will bring visitors up the hill to the amphitheater. Guests are welcome to bring their own equipment. Visit mthelixpark.org for more information.
Jacob hosts ‘Coffee with Constituents’
Friday, May 29
Supervisor Dianne Jacob periodically hosts informal gatherings to meet with District 2 constituents. The two-hour get-togethers offer the public a chance to ask questions, share what’s on their mind, receive updates on pressing issues and get “face time” with their local county representative. Staff will follow up on any issues that remain unresolved at the end of the meeting. This session of “coffee with constituents” will be held from 8:30 – 10:30 a.m. in the Community Room of the La Mesa Police Department, located at 8085 University Ave., in La Mesa. For more info visit diannejacob.com.
Kids’ fishing derby at Lake Murray
Saturday, May 30
The Lake Murray Kiwanis Club hosts the annual Kiwanis Kids Fishing Derby for children ages 5 to 15 at Lake Murray (5540 Kiowa Drive) from 7:30 to 11 a.m. The first 100 children to register can participate for free; all others will be asked to pay $2.50. All registered children will be eligible for drawings. Register in advance by calling 619-212-9132, or register on site beginning at 7 a.m. Children are encouraged to bring their own fishing pole and tackle.
La Mesa Flag Day parade
Saturday, May 30
The 18th annual Flag Day parade will march down the streets of La Mesa Village starting at 10 a.m. Led by the Third Marine Corps Aircraft Wing Band, this year’s parade will include floats, military vehicles, active and retired war heroes, service clubs, equestrian units, youth groups and more. Celebrating 60 years in La Mesa, Sharp Grossmont Hospital will serve as grand marshal. Those who arrive early will be entertained by two pre-parade concerts, performed by the La Mesa Middle and Parkway Middle school bands, starting at 9 a.m. along the parade route. After the parade, attendees are encouraged to join La Mesa’s Human Relations Commission for free ice cream at the north corner of La Mesa Boulevard and Fourth Street. For more info, contact the parade committee at [email protected] or visit the city website cityoflamesa.com/FamilyFun.
LGBT Christian event
Saturday, June 6
Foothills United Methodist Church is embracing the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community with an event called “Love Is…” that will feature live music and storytelling, with the goal of fostering a dialogue that recognizes and affirms the many forms love can take. The event is organized by the church’s Reconciling Fellowship, a group that seeks to make the church a welcoming place for LGBT individuals and others who historically have been shut out of religious communities. San Diego musician Danielle LoPresti will lead the music. The event starts at 7 p.m. at 4031 Avocado Blvd.
Teen safe driver workshops
Saturday, June 6 & 27
Summit Transmissions is offering free driver safety classes for teens on two days in June from 9 – 11 a.m. The workshops will offer information on vehicle safety and maintenance, money saving tips, presentations by law enforcement personnel from both La Mesa and San Diego, and raffle prizes for gas cards and free oil changes. Summit Transmission is located at 7633 El Cajon Blvd., in La Mesa. Classes are limited to 16 students and parents are welcome to attend. For more info or to RSVP, visit summittransmissions.com or call 619-463-9400.
Taste of La Mesa
Monday, June 8
The seventh annual Taste of La Mesa will take place from 6 – 8 p.m. at the La Mesa Community Center, located at 4975 Memorial Dr., in La Mesa. Presented by the La Mesa Chamber of Commerce with Sycuan Casino as presenting sponsor, Taste of La Mesa is a networking and food and beverage sampling event that features nearly 30 local restaurants, including Riviera Supper Club, BO-beau kitchen and garden, BJ’s Restaurant and Brewhouse, Anthony’s Fish Grotto, Hooley’s Irish Pub and many more. Beer, wine and cocktails will also be available. General admission is $35 in advance or $45 at the door. VIP tickets, which include a pre-event reception, are $50 in advance or $60 at the door. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit lamesachamber.com or call them at 619-465-7700.
Rummage sale to support homeless
Saturday, June 20
St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church, at 8350 Lake Murray Blvd., hosts an annual rummage sale to support the Third Avenue Charitable Organization (TACO), a nonprofit organization that serves homeless individuals in San Diego. In addition to providing 500 free and nutritious meals each week, TACO also organizes free medical, pharmacy, dental, acupuncture, legal and social work services through local teaching institutions, such as the UC San Diego School of Medicine. These free clinics see 375 clients per week. Volunteers from some 30 local organizations, including St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church, give their time to staff these free. The rummage sale will be open from 7 a.m. – 1 p.m. and will accept cash payments only. For more information, visit tacosd.org.