Rolando Street Fair
March 29
This annual street fair in a historic San Diego neighborhood has more than 130 vendor booths and nonprofit community organizations participating with food, services and handcrafted items. A kids’ corner has rides and activities. The free event will also feature a stage with live musical performances by Sister Speak, Trey Tosh Band, The Devastators, The Earful, and Len Rainey and the Midnight Players. The street fair is open from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Visit RolandoCC.org.
Parliamentary law meeting
April 4
San Diego East County Parliamentarian Group is hosting this special meeting for Parliamentary Law Month. Parliamentary law/procedure “refers to the rules of democracy – that is, the commonly accepted way a group of people come together, present and discuss possible course of action, and make decisions.” The meeting is free and includes complimentary lunch; it will be held at 1 p.m. in the conference room at Denny’s in Fletcher Hills (2691 Navajo Road). RSVP by email: [email protected] or by phone 619-562-9472.
Mt. Helix Easter sunrise
April 5
The Mt. Helix Park amphitheater is holding its 90th Easter sunrise service at 6:30 a.m. Foothills United Methodist Church is leading the event this year. Shuttles for the service will begin taking visitors at 5:30 a.m. from the parking lots next to and across from the Mt. Miguel Fire Station. Overflow parking will be provided at the Brigantine Restaurant located at the intersection of Fuerte Drive and Grossmont Boulevard.
Grunion Runs
April 5, 20
Birch Aquarium at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego, is observing the annual grunion spawn on the beaches of La Jolla. These small silvery fish hold their mating ritual on spring nights following high tides only in southern California. Birch Aquarium naturalists will guide participants through the night. Flashlights and warm jackets are recommended. Tickets for the evening cost $14 for aquarium members and $16 for the public. Future events will also take place on May 7, May 20 and June 5. The April 5 event lasts from 9:30 – 11:30 p.m. and April 20 is 10 p.m. – 12 a.m. Reservations must be placed in advance at aquarium.ucsd.edu/Education/Public_Programs/Outdoor_Adventures/Grunion_Runs or by calling 858-534-7336.
San Diego Concert Band show
April 7
The San Diego Concert Band is performing its annual spring concert performance, “Springtime Classics,” featuring works by Shostakovich, Verdi and Wagner at the Joan B. Kroc Theatre, 6611 University Ave. The San Diego Clarinet Quintet will also be featured. Tickets cost $15 for adults and $12 for seniors, military and students. Tickets can be purchased in advance at SanDiegoConcertBand.com.
Hearing Loss and Tinnitus
April 10
Learn about the causes of hearing loss and tinnitus (noise and ringing in the ears). Learn about ways that might help manage hearing loss from Gary Shasky, Doctor of Audiology, Sonus Hearing Professionals, at the Grossmont Healthcare District Conference Center, 9001 Wakarusa St., from 3 – 4 p.m. Reservations are required. Call 1-800-827-4277 or register online at www.sharp.com.
April Pools Day
April 11
This free event is promoting water safety to prepare for May, which is drowning prevention month. It includes swimming lessons, CPR presentations, synchronized swimming, water polo demonstrations and a mock rescue by La Mesa lifeguards and the fire department. April Pools Day lasts from noon – 3 p.m. at La Mesa Municipal Pool, 5100 Memorial Dr. For more information, call 619-667-1494.
Multicultural Family Fiesta
April 11
The El Cajon Library is hosting its sixth annual Multicultural Family Fiesta. The event is a part of a nationwide celebration of children’s reading and includes free books for kids and teens. There will also be performances by the Christ Temple Sanctuary Choir, dancers from Cajon Valley Middle School and the award-winning Arabina belly-dancing troupe. The Fiesta is from noon – 3 p.m. and located at 201 E. Douglas Ave. For more information call the El Cajon Library at 619-588-3718.
Medicare and you
April 13
Pablo Corona from the Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program presents this free seminar about the basics of Medicare including Parts A, B, C and D. Additional information is also available regarding Medicare Advantage, HMOs, PPOs, the Medicare Saving Program (MSP) and Extra-Help Program that assists seniors with prescription costs. The event will be held at the Grossmont Healthcare District Conference Center, 9001 Wakarusa St., from 10 – 11 a.m. Reservations are required. Call 1-800-827-4277 or register online at www.sharp.com.
Chamber of Commerce breakfast meeting
April 14
The La Mesa Chamber of Commerce is holding its second breakfast meeting of the year at Marie Callender’s, 6950 Alvarado Road, from 7:30 – 9 a.m. Supervisor Dianne Jacob will be the speaker. Besides breakfast, there will also be a raffle and other prizes. The event is open to Chamber members and the general public. The breakfast price is $15 for members, $20 for potential members and guests and $25 for everyone else. Reservations can be made at LaMesaChamber.com or by calling 619-465-7700.
A Day on the Green
April 16
Grossmont Hospital Foundation is hosting its 31st Annual Invitational Golf Tournament at Sycuan Resort. The tournament will help raise funds to increase hospital capacity, purchase new technology and support programs at Sharp Grossmont Hospital. It is expected to raise more than $400,000. Golf tournament tickets are sold out, but tickets are still available for the event’s dinner banquet, which includes a live, silent auction, an opportunity drawing and awards ceremony. For more information, call 619-740-4316 or email [email protected].
Fun with Physics
April 18
This free event introduces kids of all ages and their family to hands-on science experiments at the La Mesa Boys and Girls Teen Club at Highwood Park, 7775 Junior High Drive. Experiments will cover a variety of topics including: bubbles, dry ice, buoyancy, barges and more. Call 619-667-1300 or visit lamesaparks.org or cityoflamesa.com/familyfun for more information.
Introduction to elder care and support options
April 20
This class, presented by the Alzheimer’s Association, will provide an overview of options available for dementia care and how to pay for it. The class is being held at the Grossmont Healthcare District Conference Center, 9001 Wakarusa St., from 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Reservations are required. Call 1-800-827-4277 or register online at www.sharp.com.